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Pixi.js Showcase

Mat Groves

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Just now, ivan.popelyshev said:

YEAH, now I can refere to that repo all people who asked about python+pixi combo. Maybe I'll move one python console game to pixi thanks to you :)

Ivan, I want to share with you how much I appreciate your work, Pixi is an incredible library, I never wrote anything on the forum but I used it extensively these last months and your suggestions / answers have been a huge help.

Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate, if you ever actually refer it do it with a bit of salt, I'm pretty sure my usage of Pixi can be improved, when I started writing the library I had no prior experience with it and I learned on the road.

Nevertheless I'm quite honoured :) have a lovely day

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Just now, Junkybyte said:

Ivan, I want to share with you how much I appreciate your work, Pixi is an incredible library, I never wrote anything on the forum but I used it extensively these last months and your suggestions / answers have been a huge help.

Thank you!

Added it here for now: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/wiki/v5-Resources#integration-with-platforms-and-frameworks . I told a few people already, in case someone will improve that pipe thingy and makes a boilerplate.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/23/2020 at 2:08 AM, serhiic said:

Hello guys,

I hope everyone is okay in these challenging times.

Currently, I'm working on a (kinda) PIXI layout editor focused on the spine plugin


and would love to get some feedback on it as replies to this post or through this form


Hey very nice, welcome to the club ?
I also work on a sofware to do thats, but I'm not ready to share a beta yet, it's a database generator for vanilla gameDev that will also include the possibility of generating data layouts for pixijs projects.
We have a fairly similar dark theme, but on my side it powered by nwjs and REACT frontEnd technologie.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I built this website that was projected on to a transparent touchscreen for an exhibition at Museum of Science and Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. It might be hard to see in the video but visitors are challenged with a range of ethical questions about technical and medical development at three of these stations.

I mainly used Pixi for all the great filters like Pixelate and CRT. It really worked out great! The whole project took 1 month from the first line of code till the premiere.

Just when the exhibition launched, the museum closed due to covid-19. Fortunately it’s going to be around for 3-5 years :)

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  • 1 month later...

I just finished my coloring app!
Browser iOS / Android


It took a while with some years inbetween. Aaaalll the way back in 2017 I was trying to get some basic drawing going and got it working with the help of Ivan. Thanks @ivan.popelyshev !

Looking back at this example, it's pretty much the same as in the app.


Thanks for the amazing library and all the support on these forums! it's been really helpful

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/23/2020 at 7:08 AM, serhiic said:

Hello guys,

I hope everyone is okay in these challenging times.

Currently, I'm working on a (kinda) PIXI layout editor focused on the spine plugin


and would love to get some feedback on it as replies to this post or through this form


Love it! Can you add a save/export/load feature, this would be great for rapid prototyping. I already managed to make a few nested containers with things in them and all looked good!

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  • 1 month later...

Hey!!! I'm Kayac Chang from Taiwan.

I just create a template to quickly setup the pixi.js project by using [Create React App] (https://create-react-app.dev/)

Now, if you already install npm or yarn. You can just typing

npx create-react-app my-app --template pixijs

# or

yarn create react-app my-app --template pixijs

Also have the typescript setup

npx create-react-app my-app --template pixijs-typescript

# or

yarn create react-app my-app --template pixijs-typescript


Happy hacking.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Still far away from saying it that this is done

I try to make a rhythm game for mobile


So far I can make the normal note button and the hold note button. Gotta add the slide button later on and also I have to make a beatmap editor because putting numbers in json file is really to much job.

Yes, I want to make osu! like rhythm game, but for mobile.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys!

I recently saw some ant simulation coding project youtube videos and decided to make my own project.

I wanted to create an interactive website so the simulation would be easily accessible for everyone/anyone to play with. So I researched web rendering frameworks and ended up choosing PixiJS. I'm really happy with the framework, coding with it is a breeze since the documentation is fantastic and this forum holds many great questions and answers (Ivan's answers in particular).

I'll explain a little bit about the simulation. The ants are spawned in the anthill and they start wandering about looking for food. When they see food they grab it and try to wander back to the anthill to return the food. To help them on their way they each lay pheromones, blue for guiding the way home and orange for guiding the way towards food. These pheromones are implemented as particles and so the simulation is drawing around 20-40k particles each frame (great performance!).

Here's a link to the project, it took me about a month to code..


Let me know what ya think! :D 

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  • 3 months later...


it's my first time here, I'm a French web developer based in Amsterdam.

I want to share my first PixiJS projects I did in my company for an e-commerce website.

They are "brand experience pages" showing the new products in the collection. Two chapters have been released and we are working on the third one:



Animated with GSAP, spritesheets done with TexturePacker. Design made in collaboration with the client and audio created by an other company.

My colleagues also did one Pixi experience, for the same client, last year https://www.moooi.com/a-life-extraordinary



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  • 4 months later...

Long time reader, first time poster. (Thank you very much for all questions and answers, helped a lot during the years as a lurker).

Hive P v. S is a mashup of classic arcade games. You fly around, collect stars and avoid a tail that forms and starts to chase you. Eliminate the tale with power-ups to get the big scores. It gets harder, more happens and eventually only your endurance will limit how far that high score can go. If high enough, post it to the global high score list for us all to view!

Hopefully game works in most browsers, preferred is chromium, chrome, safari and edge. Should work on any sort of screen, from small to large and you can use mouse, touch or gamepad.



A short trailer

Game is currently playable in the browser, on desktops and iOS. Android, Steam and MS store releases are currently being reviewed.

This has been a project I have been working on off and on for a few years, trying to get back into game development while also doing something I wanted to do for a long time, using a browser to make games. It was quite a mess at the start, trying to understand how modern web development works... all the possibilities, all the solutions, all the options, all everything. Thankfully you find your way eventually, you find clean, specific and extremely well made things to use, like Pixi.js. Cheers and thanks! ?

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