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Pixi.js Showcase

Mat Groves

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Lets you compare different scene setups in different versions of pixi and phaser :)

Useful to compare different engine performance. To compare different version performance. And to compare different scene setup performance.

Ie. compare the speed for 'Multiple Textures' for Pixi v3 vs v4. Multi texturing was added for v4, so you'll see a large speed increase. Likewise compare 'Graphics: Complex' from v4 to v5 (dev is best); a lot of work into batching Graphics shows clear performance benefits.

But then on the same hand on a modern Pixi version and test 'Sprites: Multiple Textures' vs 'SpriteSheet', and you'll see speed improvements on devices with less than 16 texture units; showing benefit of keeping sprites onto a single texture.

Any requests, please raise issues :)





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@themoonrat it is pretty much expected Pixi to be a lot faster than Phaser2 and taking advantage over Phaser3 when it comes to sprite+graphics batching. But I'm seeing a huge slowdown with BitmapText rendering, while Phaser3 is rock solid at 60fps.

10000 instances, Pixi 3.0.11 - ~58FPS, 4.0.3 - ~43fps, 4.8.5 - ~40fps, 5.0.0-alpha.3 ~38fps

Why is that? Is it caused by trade-off between raw performance and more complex batching (closer thing to real life usage) in v5?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I was in need of some testing tools while trying some things on different mobile devices and with my need to display some things easy on the display without the need to always connect it with dev tools I created https://github.com/jkanchelov/pixi-console

It gives you a PIXI.container which is attached to console.log/warn/error and will display the logs in the canvas. It may be useful for someone. There are a lot of refactoring things and improvements to be done, but in this state is working fine for what I needed it. 

Hope it helps someone   

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  On 2/13/2019 at 12:20 PM, jkanchelov said:

I was in need of some testing tools while trying some things on different mobile devices and with my need to display some things easy on the display without the need to always connect it with dev tools I created https://github.com/jkanchelov/pixi-console

It gives you a PIXI.container which is attached to console.log/warn/error and will display the logs in the canvas. It may be useful for someone. There are a lot of refactoring things and improvements to be done, but in this state is working fine for what I needed it. 

Hope it helps someone   


Good job! We'll add it to https://github.com/cursedcoder/awesome-pixijs and wiki

If you use slack, I can send you an invite to pixijs community slack.

If you use telegram and know russian - there are two russian gamedev html5 chats.

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  On 2/13/2019 at 12:29 PM, ivan.popelyshev said:

Good job! We'll add it to https://github.com/cursedcoder/awesome-pixijs and wiki

If you use slack, I can send you an invite to pixijs community slack.

If you use telegram and know russian - there are two russian gamedev html5 chats.


It would be an honor to be added there.
I would like the invite to the pixi.js slack too :)) 

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  • 7 months later...
Hi everyone,
I just create a simple show case for PIXI.JS.
A top-down Tank game with: 
1. Physic engine integration with matter-js.
2. ViewPort for 2D camara.
3. Custom Tile map and grid system. 
4. Dynamic generate new area .
5. Keyboard Control.
6. GUI Interface.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I have a lengthy post in the showcase forum for those interested - we are in beta for our game GORILLA TOWN which uses PIXI, and pixi-spine. Props to Ivan P from PIXI.js for helping us on this forum multiple times!

If you want to learn more about the game, we have a fancy marketing site:


and, if you want to download and play the beta for windows (runs in electron), you can check it out here:


We love to hear any feedback you have.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  On 2/23/2020 at 11:31 AM, yulijun said:

the tutorial is here https://github.com/proudcat/pixi-webpack-demo , welcome to star.


Added. https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/wiki/v5-Resources#tutorials

If you want invite to pixijs slack, or if you want to know discord server where some of pixijs devs are hanging , just tell me in private message  :)

Edited by ivan.popelyshev
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  On 2/23/2020 at 12:00 PM, ivan.popelyshev said:

Added. https://github.com/pixijs/pixi.js/wiki/v5-Resources#tutorials

If you want invite to pixijs slack, or if you want to know discord server where some of pixijs devs are hanging , just tell me in private message  :)


i think it can be good also in boilerplate, it a good starter and the only one without typescript!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Two of my games were made with Pixi.JS.

This is a snake style MMO that I released about 2 days ago.
It features procedurally generated creatures and uses various filters to visually enhance the creatures.
You can find it at http://zapper.io

This is a multiplayer shooter with 3 game modes(currently), lots of weapons and many different worlds.
This project has been online for a while but I still consider it to be an alpha version.
Play at https://ninja.io

Ninja.io world editor
The world editor for Ninja.io is also made with Pixi.JS.
It has lots of features and I've used it to create all the ninja.io worlds.
I plan to release a more user friendly version to the ninja.io community at some point.

The most challenging thing was to get acceptable performance for Ninja.io.
I eventually found a way to efficiently combine mesh triangles in the world editor.
Due to limitations of the editor, earlier versions of Ninja.io rendered every mesh triangle as a separate mesh, but this incurred an unacceptable performance hit.
There is probably still plenty of room for optimization here but I just haven't really delved into the depths of the Pixi renderer code yet.

Thanks a lot for making it publicly available, and I hope to be able to contribute at some point!

Edited by Buizerd
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Hey guys, I wanted to share a python package I have been working on that has a visual interface builded with Pixi, I want to thank all of you, the documentation + reading questions on this forum helped me work out the javascript part (the worst part of my code as I am bit unexperienced with that side; learned a lot though)

I attach a video of the visualization (it does support zooming etc thanks to the lovely Pixi-viewport plugin), it has real time texture creation to visualise images that are created on python side and shared through sockets.

Most of the content is generated dynamically based on the data from python (the blocks on the right are python classes / functions)


A preview:


You can find the whole project at https://github.com/JunkyByte/vispipe

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  On 4/3/2020 at 5:01 PM, Junkybyte said:

Hey guys, I wanted to share a python package I have been working on that has a visual interface builded with Pixi, I want to thank all of you,


YEAH, now I can refere to that repo all people who asked about python+pixi combo. Maybe I'll move one python console game to pixi thanks to you :)

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