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Helping fellow developers with marketing :)


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Hi guys.


Since I have some free time this week and licensing team of Spil is out which keeps my games hanging and waiting and I dont want to start new ones I want to contribute a bit to the community.


If you have a website/want one - I am proposing free consulting on marketing, SEO, ppc and anything to get more hits for you. No tricks - you get access to guy that worked years in marketing and run an international company that had 80+ employees at its peak. I am not in marketing anymore, so I wont try to upsell you anything. I am not to hire, nor my services are paid - you are getting this for free :)


I propose to you:

-SEO consulting (creating strategy, helping with setting targets and screening potential providers)

-Social Media review (planning strategy for social media campaign, driving traffic, building fan base)

-Website optimization (reviewing code, layout and few other things to improve visitor engagement)

-Helping setting website for free (just domain cost - how to get quality free hosting etc.)

-Any marketing aspect you would like to discuss

-For established developer agencies few tips on how to find huge customers for custom build games :)


To opt-in just Skype me:



(dont call please, just chat)


Please contact me only if you are already in game developement business (no complete newbies this time) and your english is good enough for us to talk.


What I want in exchange? Just "thanks" will do :) I need some Karma refill ;)


I reserve right to refuse accepting some members as I can help only few guys without making this offering full time job ;) I am up for doing this until Monday or until I help 5-10 people :)

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If you want a bigger karma refill you may want to write one (little) article per item on your list and post it on your blog, you will help way more people than a few chosen one. I'd be particularly interested in the first and last point, seo for html5 gaming portal (is that even possible?) and how to reach huge customer for custom games.

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Interesting! Do you have experiencience with marketing and SEO from Android?

Well, just added you in skype. I think this is the most apropriate time for me to get help.


A bit. But I have a friend that does this for living, so I can help you for sure :) I am pretty well connected in virtually any marketing niche :)

ps. I have never got your message :)


If you want a bigger karma refill you may want to write one (little) article per item on your list and post it on your blog, you will help way more people than a few chosen one. I'd be particularly interested in the first and last point, seo for html5 gaming portal (is that even possible?) and how to reach huge customer for custom games.


Good idea. I will actually re-do my blog and do few posts next week. Thanks for suggesting it :)


I have 2 guys already on, I will take 2-3 more and then focus on my blog as suggested above :)

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