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SpriteBatch undefined


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Hey everyone,


I'm trying to use SpriteBatch for optimization, and I'm initializing it like this:


spriteBatch = new Phaser.SpriteBatch(game, this);


But I get the following error on that line:


"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function"


Am I initializing the spritebatch incorrectly? I would like to avoid game.add if possible.





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Why do you not want to use game.add? (or game.make), it handles the references properly for you.


But anyway I would guess the problem is that 'this' (in your SpriteBatch constructor) isn't of the required type. What does it equal? It needs to be a Group, or a DisplayObjectContainer at the least. Failing that post the actual line number the error occurs on (assuming its raised within phaser.js and not your own game :))

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