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Version 6.5.0 - Automatically Scale Screen To Browsers Size Keeping Aspect Ratio?


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We are using current PixiJS version 6.5.0.

How would we automatically scale PixiJS screen to browser size while keeping aspect ratio?
(our PixiJS screen is 640x480, but we want it to scale bigger or smaller based on current browser size)
Also would the above affect mouse clicking in PixiJS screen?

Someone pointed to below info:

We tried to implement above, but when game is run in browser it does not resize to browser dimensions?

Relevant JavaScript source code is below:


// "initialize.js"

let DONTRESIZE = true;

let OriginalCanvasWidth = 640;
let OriginalCanvasHeight = 480;

let CurrentBrowserWidth = (window.innerWidth + 1);
let CurrentBrowserHeight = (window.innerHeight + 1);

let widthScale = 1;
let heightScale = 1;

let isMobile = false;
let AndroidChrome = false;
let AndroidFirefox = false;

let MouseCoordinates = new PIXI.Point;

let Container = PIXI.Container,
    autoDetectRenderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer,
    loader = PIXI.Loader.shared,
    resources = PIXI.Loader.shared.resources,
    TextureCache = PIXI.utils.TextureCache,
    Texture = PIXI.Texture,
    Sprite = PIXI.Sprite,
    Text = PIXI.Text,
    Graphics = PIXI.Graphics;


const app = new PIXI.Application({
    width: 640, height: 480, backgroundColor: "Black", resolution: window.devicePixelRatio || 1,

const renderer = new PIXI.Renderer({ width: OriginalCanvasWidth, height: OriginalCanvasHeight, transparent: false, autoDensity: true });

let stage;
let id;

let TouchNone = 0;
let TouchStart = 1;
let TouchEnd = 2;
let TouchCancel = 3;
let TouchMove = 4;
let TouchInput = TouchNone;

let SecondTouchCoordinates = new PIXI.Point;

function SetFrameRate()
    if (GameMode === VerySlowMode)  FrameRate = 90;
    else if (GameMode === SlowMode)  FrameRate = 60;
    else if (GameMode === NormalMode)  FrameRate = 34;
    else if (GameMode === FastMode)  FrameRate = 20;
    else if (GameMode === VeryFastMode)  FrameRate = 10;
function setup()
    if (  (typeof window.orientation !== "undefined") || ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf('IEMobile') !== -1 )  )  isMobile = true;
    if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1 )  AndroidChrome = true;
    if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1 )  AndroidFirefox = true;
    if (isMobile === true)  OriginalCanvasHeight = 1138-200;



    const container = new PIXI.Container();

    stage = new Container();
    id = resources["images/PacDude4.json"].textures;

    if (isMobile === false)

    SixteenBitSoftLogo = null;
    titleBG = null;
    PDH4Logo = null;
    PixiJSLogo = null;
    FloppyDisk = null;

    Button[0] = null;
    Button[1] = null;
    Button[2] = null;
    Button[3] = null;
    Button[4] = null;
    Button[5] = null;
    Button[6] = null;
    ButtonLeftArrow = null;
    ButtonRightArrow = null;


//    CheckForBrowserResize(true);
    document.addEventListener("keypress", CheckForKeyPress, true);
    document.addEventListener("keydown", CheckForKeyDown, true);
    document.addEventListener("keyup", CheckForKeyRelease, true);

    window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
        // space and arrow keys
        if([32, 37, 38, 39, 40].indexOf(e.keyCode) > -1) {
    }, false);    

    if (isMobile === false)
        renderer.plugins.interaction.on('pointerdown', function(event) {
            MouseCoordinates = event.data.global;
            TouchScreen[0] = true;

        renderer.plugins.interaction.on('pointerup', function(event) {
            TouchScreen[0] = false;
        renderer.plugins.interaction.on('touchstart', function (event)
        { TouchInput = TouchStart; TouchScreen[event.data.identifier] = true; if (event.data.identifier === 0)  MouseCoordinates = event.data.global; else SecondTouchCoordinates = event.data.global; }, false);
        renderer.plugins.interaction.on('touchend', function (event)
        { TouchInput = TouchEnd; TouchScreen[event.data.identifier] = false; }, false);
        renderer.plugins.interaction.on('touchcancel', function (event)
        { TouchInput = TouchCancel; TouchScreen[event.data.identifier] = false; }, false);
        renderer.plugins.interaction.on('touchmove', function (event)
        { TouchInput = TouchMove; TouchScreen[event.data.identifier] = true; if (event.data.identifier === 0)  MouseCoordinates = event.data.global; else SecondTouchCoordinates = event.data.global; }, false);

    state = play;

    FrameRate = 19;
    window.addEventListener("resize", resize);


function resize()
    let width = 640;
    let height = 480;

    // current screen size
    const screenWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
    const screenHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);

    // uniform scale for our game
    const scale = Math.min(screenWidth / width, screenHeight / height);

    // the "uniformly englarged" size for our game
    const enlargedWidth = Math.floor(scale * width);
    const enlargedHeight = Math.floor(scale * height);

    // margins for centering our game
    const horizontalMargin = (screenWidth - enlargedWidth) / 2;
    const verticalMargin = (screenHeight - enlargedHeight) / 2;

    // now we use css trickery to set the sizes and margins
    app.view.style.width = `${enlargedWidth}px`;
    app.view.style.height = `${enlargedHeight}px`;
    app.view.style.marginLeft = app.view.style.marginRight = `${horizontalMargin}px`;
    app.view.style.marginTop = app.view.style.marginBottom = `${verticalMargin}px`;



Edited by JeZxLee
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  • 2 weeks later...

Got everything working now except vertical margin.
Please view below code and suggest solution:

function resize()
    const width = 640;
    const height = 480;

    // current screen size
    const screenWidth = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
    const screenHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);

    // uniform scale for our game
    const scale = Math.min(screenWidth / width, screenHeight / height);

    // the "uniformly englarged" size for our game
    const enlargedWidth = Math.floor(scale * width);
    const enlargedHeight = Math.floor(scale * height);

    // margins for centering our game
    const horizontalMargin = (screenWidth - enlargedWidth) / 2;
    const verticalMargin = (screenHeight - enlargedHeight) / 2;

    // now we use css trickery to set the sizes and margins
    renderer.view.style.width = `${enlargedWidth}px`;
    renderer.view.style.height = `${enlargedHeight}px`;
    renderer.view.style.marginLeft = app.view.style.marginRight = `${horizontalMargin}px`;
    renderer.view.style.marginTop = app.view.style.marginBottom = `${verticalMargin}px`; // Not Working?



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