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move a rotated sprite


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You have several ways to go:

  • if you use Arcade Physics, you have the velocityFromAngle() helper function ((example here).
  • if you remember your Math lessons from school, you can apply sinus and cosinus to your angle and multiply your horizontal and vertical velocity with the results.
  • if none of the above and you only move North / East / South or West, you can always use a good ol' switch


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function create() {

    this.obj = this.add.image(400, 300, 'bunny').setScale(0.1);

    this.rot = 0;
    this.speedScalar = 1;

    this.input.on("pointerdown", (pointer) => {
        this.isDown = true;

    this.input.on("pointerup", (pointer) => {
        this.isDown = false;

    this.input.on("pointermove", (pointer) => {
        if (!this.isDown) {

        this.pointerX = pointer.x;
        this.pointerY = pointer.y;

        let rot = Math.atan2(
            this.obj.y - this.pointerY,
            this.obj.x - this.pointerX,

        this.rot = rot;
        this.obj.rotation = rot - Math.PI * 0.5;


function update() {

    if (!this.isDown) {

    this.obj.x -= Math.cos(this.rot) * this.speedScalar;
    this.obj.y -= Math.sin(this.rot) * this.speedScalar;



You can use Math.atan2 to find rotation of the object and you can use Math.sin for y positioning and Math.cos for x positioning. You can test the example above in the Labs

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