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Problems with UI example


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have used the ui example to write code to add a floating map panel to the game but the buttons in the map panel don't respond to events, but have use the ui example almost as is just some changes to the way sprites are displayed, not hard coded by using a generic panel code to allow any type of floating panel graphic to be used as the code sows below, does any one have any clue as to why the buttons don't respond to mouse over event, but if i change the button from floating=false to floating=true the button responds to mouse over events

code for the three sections are below

game = game || {};
game.floating_generic_panel = me.Container.extend ( {
init: function (panel_posX, panel_posY, panel_width, panel_height, panel_image_name, is_floating) {
// call the constructor
this._super(me.Container, "init", [panel_posX, panel_posY, panel_width + 2, panel_height + 2]);
this.anchorPoint.set(0.0, 0.0);
// persistent across level change
this.isPersistent = true;
// use screen coordinates
this.floating = is_floating;
// give a name
this.panel_sprite_name = panel_image_name;
/* panel background */
this.floating_panel_sprite = new me.Sprite(1, 1, {
image: this.panel_sprite_name,
framewidth: panel_width,
frameheight: panel_height,
anchorPoint: new me.Vector2d(0.0, 0.0)
// input status flags
this.selected = false;
this.hover = false;
// to memorize where we grab the shape
this.grabOffset = new me.Vector2d(0.0,0.0);
onActivateEvent: function () {
// register on the global pointermove event
this.handler = me.event.subscribe(me.event.POINTERMOVE, this.pointerMove.bind(this));
//register on mouse/touch event
me.input.registerPointerEvent("pointerdown", this, this.onSelect.bind(this));
me.input.registerPointerEvent("pointerup", this, this.onRelease.bind(this));
me.input.registerPointerEvent("pointercancel", this, this.onRelease.bind(this));
// call the parent function
this._super(me.Container, "onActivateEvent");
onDeactivateEvent: function () {
// unregister on the global pointermove event
// release pointer events
me.input.releasePointerEvent("pointerdown", this);
me.input.releasePointerEvent("pointerup", this);
me.input.releasePointerEvent("pointercancel", this);
// call the parent function
this._super(me.Container, "onDeactivateEvent");
* pointermove function
pointerMove: function (event) {
this.hover = this.getBounds().containsPoint(event.gameX, event.gameY);
if (this.selected) {
// follow the pointer
this.pos.set(event.gameX, event.gameY, this.pos.z);
// mouse down function
onSelect : function (event) {
if (this.hover === true) {
this.grabOffset.set(event.gameX, event.gameY);
this.selected = true;
// don"t propagate the event furthermore
return false;
// mouse up function
onRelease : function (/*event*/) {
this.selected = false;
// update function
update : function(dt) {
this._super(me.Container, "update", [ dt ]);
return true;
draw: function(renderer) {
this._super(me.Container, "draw", [ renderer ]);


game = game || {};
game.floating_map_attach_button = me.GUI_Object.extend ( {
init: function () {
this._super(me.GUI_Object, "init", [4, 4, {
image: "map_attach_button_normal",
framewidth: 18,
frameheight: 18,
anchorPoint: new me.Vector2d(0.0, 0.0),
this.floating = false;
* function called when the pointer is over the object
onOver : function (/* event */) {
* function called when the pointer is leaving the object area
onOut : function (/* event */) {
* function called when the object is clicked on
onClick : function (/* event */) {
console.log("on click event")
// don't propagate the event
return false;
* function called when the pointer button is released
onRelease : function (/* event */) {
// don't propagate the event
return false;
draw: function(renderer) {
this._super(me.GUI_Object, "draw", [ renderer ]);


game = game || {};
game.play_screen = me.Stage.extend({
* action to perform on state change
onResetEvent: function()
// load a level
me.game.world.addChild(new game.player_plaque_display(), 100);
me.game.world.addChild(new game.player_hud_mana_health_sprite(), 100);
me.game.world.addChild(new game.main_game_interface_display(), 100);
this.screen_width = me.game.viewport.width;
this.floating_map_window = new game.floating_generic_panel(this.screen_width - 112, 5, 105, 125,"map_interface", true);
this.floating_map_window.addChild(new game.floating_map_attach_button());
this.floating_map_window.addChild(new game.floating_map_minimize_button());
this.floating_map_window.addChild(new game.floating_map_node_points_button());
* action to perform when leaving this screen (state change)
onDestroyEvent: function()

the root object as from the ui example is a container


Edited by soulVampire
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