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FB did not accept my application. Where should I publish my game?


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I am indie game developer for 10 years. I have a lot of experience with game development. I have even won few game development contest.
Also I have business entity and all of required stuff for FB instant games verification.
But, they did not accept my Instant Games Developer Application.
I am really dissapointed because they did not even start the game (I can see that from my own analytics)
The main problem is they did not provide any feedback what seams to be a reason.

I have spent a lot of time and put a lot of effort to create this game and right now I do not know what to do with it.
Where should I publish this game? IS there any way to make money with HTML5 games beside FB IG?

Did anyone pass this verification?


It is classic racing game maid with ThreeJS with 3D models and with original music.






You can see how that looks here:

This is the link for game:

Edited by momcina
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  • 1 month later...

Hi Noel,

app id is 635275031208621

First I had a problem with Audience Network, and when I was finally accepted at Audience Network, this new review system is an obstacle that I don't know how to solve.

The problem is that I do not know what should I change/upgrade to pass this obstacle.

In "Approved Partner Program Applications for Instant Games Open to All Developers  May 6, 2021 by Joel Ndreu" he said  "process is a lightweight application and business review".

I have legal (business) entity, I have few finished HTML5 games, a lot of experience and few successful games on Android platform so I do not understand what can I change to apply again for this platform.

I would really like to know what should I change to to pass this step.

Thank you for your precious help.

Best regards

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@momcina For now, you must wait until you are able to re-submit your business to be reviewed for the Approved Partner Program.
Next time you submit, could you please provide more information on your business itself and make it clear what games you want to bring to the platform?

In the meantime, you can polish the game(s) you want to bring to the platform based on the quality guidelines here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/games/onboarding/instant-games/quality-guidelines/

I hope that helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@NoelI know but if you have any suggestion for me, feel free to tell. That would be very kind of you. So far I have submitted Electricity Bill, website and domain, ID card passport and that's it. Some people are submitting Company Registration documentation, some are submitting trade license copy. But I would love to hear something from you if you desire, as you are pretty expert in this domain. 
Thanks again,

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On 10/7/2021 at 1:19 AM, Hande Games said:

The same thing has happened to me and it's really stressful and specially when you spend a lot of time, energy and emotion on what you love and at the end it gets rejected, so now i have to wait until 09  November 2021 so i can resubmit my application.?  ?

Did you get accepted now?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hello @Noel, sorry for resurrecting old thread, but I'm in similar position. I'm developing a game for Instant Games platform and while game is still under development, I have clicked Instant games -> Review -> Apply to become an approved developer, which has been declined with standardised reply. My business is already approved and no one has contacted me with additional questions about my application via e-mail I have provided. As you are the only 'live person' I can talk with I would like to kindly ask you, whether you can check with review team what's going on. I would like to know whether my application was declined because review team was considering unfinished game or the links to my other games I have provided in application were considered as not good enough for the platform. If it's the second - ok, no problem. But if unfinished game was considered and I have to wait 180 days before applying as approved partner again then I'd like to ask for fresh approval once the game is finished (will be done sooner than in 6 months :))

Thank you very much, my App ID is 2283103608655886

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