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CubeTextures in scene - how to optimise


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Hi everybuddy, a little question for you.


If I instanciate many CubeTextures with the same skybox maps

var cubemap_showroom1 = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("media/assets/cubemaps/showroom/showroom", scene);var cubemap_showroom2 = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("media/assets/cubemaps/showroom/showroom", scene);

because I want different reflexion levels for different materials

mat_verre.reflectionTexture = cubemap_showroom1;mat_verre.reflectionTexture.level = 1;mat_metal.reflectionTexture = cubemap_showroom2;mat_verre.reflectionTexture.level = 0.2;

Are the textures loaded several times or only once ?


If they're loaded many times, is there an optimised way to do that ?

Of course the following doesn't work (operator = assigns object by reference) :

var cubemap_showroom = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("media/assets/cubemaps/showroom/showroom", scene);mat_verre.reflectionTexture = cubemap_showroom;mat_verre.reflectionTexture.level = 1;mat_metal.reflectionTexture = cubemap_showroom;mat_verre.reflectionTexture.level = 0.2;
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Since you have to instantiate many CubeTextures you get several instances in javascript but internally some properties may be shared. It is what it's done when you clone a mesh for example: buffers are shared. I don't know about textures in BabylonJS though and a quick reading of code doesn't drive me to the conclusion that some properties are shared. There is also a clone method for textures, it seems to return a new texture with the same values of the source texture but without sharing references.


Not sure, it helped... Sorry. Nevertheless maybe some other guys will jump on my remarks ;)

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Not exactly. Textures are cached based on the required state (url and mipmap):

BABYLON.BaseTexture.prototype._getFromCache = function (url, noMipmap) {        var texturesCache = this._scene.getEngine().getLoadedTexturesCache();        for (var index = 0; index < texturesCache.length; index++) {            var texturesCacheEntry = texturesCache[index];            if (texturesCacheEntry.url === url && texturesCacheEntry.noMipmap === noMipmap) {                texturesCacheEntry.references++;                return texturesCacheEntry;            }        }        return null;    };
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Obviously it's based on url too. I was only concerned by noMipmap so I didn't mention url but you're right to mention it since I was not clear in my post and that could be confusing. Thanks.

In the constructor of CubeTexture, _getFromCache is called with noMipmap which is undefined, so the texturesCacheEntry is returned only if its noMipmap is undefined too (and it has the same url). If its noMipmap has been changed from undefined to false for example then the required state is different and data are not shared. Could this case happen? If the texturesCacheEntry doesn't exist, a new texture is created in CubeTexture constructor by calling createCubeTexture on the engine which doesn't set noMipmap so we are fine while creating a new one but could noMipmap change later on? I guess not. Nevertheless, we should remember that data are shared based on the required state (url and mipmap) and not only based on texture. A same picture (same url) could be used for a CubeTexture (noMipmap is undefined) and for a another texture without mipmaps (noMipmap is true) then data wouldn't be shared, would it?

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