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Hey Riche,

Is the retro font issue (retro font was not working in Canvas+ in cocoonjs) is resolve? 

If yes, then where is the phaser.min.js file? If no, then what do i have to do to fix it.

I hope i need to replace the phaser.min.js file.

Sorry for such a noob question. ^_^


I Have just tried it on Cocoon's Canvas 2d/WebGL mode and it is not working.

Retro Font  Demo code : http://symbolize.web44.net/RF/rf.zip


Richie need your attention here please.

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Text? BitmapFont?

Retro font.

If i run my game in Cocoon's Webview+ it is jerky but the retro  font is working.

And if run my game in Canvas/WebGL view my game is as smooth as velvet but  the retro font is lost.

So i thought to go for WebGL mode with without retro font, with normal text instead. It did not even run the normal text in Canvas/WebGL mode, copied exactly from this example.


Here is the code i tried (using Phaser 2.0.5)



What is this sorcery ? 

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