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Shrt Memory - My First Game


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Well, not actually the first game, but first which I’m finally done and self-publish.

The game is pretty simple: just repeat numeric sequence. That easy! Nothing should be difficult )))


It works on top of HTML5 technologies. Powered by preact and by pure css effects.

The intend was to learn react hooks and dive deeply into css. After a while react was replaced by more lighter and faster - preact.

As you can see, those are not quite usually used for game dev., but I was motivated :)


So, please, give me your thoughts about this one.

Check here !

Edited by kurzgame
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Oh, thanks for reply! I'm glad you spend time on it and you liked it!

I was trying to make things as simple as possible. So adding an explanation or a tutorial was not the case.. but maybe I should reconsider it.

About the music - I think it will distract from the memorizing

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