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Make image cover sprite without distorting

Johnny Kontrolleti

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That's how I currently load an image as a sprite. As for now, some image are distorted due to a different ration than the sprite's:

this.sprite = PIXI.Sprite.from(this.image);

this.dimensions = {
    width: window.innerWidth * 1.05,
    height: window.innerHeight * 1.05,
    alpha: 0

// later in code

getPosition = () => {
    if (!active) {
        this.sprite.position.set(window.innerWidth / 2, window.innerHeight / 2);
        this.sprite.width = this.dimensions.width;
        this.sprite.height = this.dimensions.height;
        this.sprite.alpha = this.dimensions.alpha;
    } else {
        const {width, height, top, left} = document.querySelector('.detail__image').getBoundingClientRect();
        this.sprite.position.set(left, top);
        this.sprite.width = width;
        this.sprite.height = height;
        this.sprite.alpha = this.dimensions.alpha;

update = () => {
    if (!this.sprite) return;

As you can see, when active is true, the sprite is bound to a html element, if not it's about the size of the window.

How can I make the image cover the sprite, without distorting? Just like `background-size: cover` or `object-fit: cover`.

Tried to find something online, but couldn't make it work for me.

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12 hours ago, ivan.popelyshev said:

It shouldn't be distorted. Please make a whole demo and we can help you fix it. ZIP-file or any existing sandbox services are ok.

Here's a quick pen: https://codepen.io/magiix/pen/ZEbaKQg?editors=0010

That's how it usually should look like: Image - I want the image to adjust it's size just like `background-size: cover` etc. - it this possible? 

Thanks for your help again!!!

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Oh, that! That's one of basic exercises with transforms, solves with javascript functions "Math.min" and "Math.max", or pair of IF's. 

sprite.position.set(app.screen.width/2, app.screen.height/2 ); //same as your innerWidth
sprite.scale.set(Math.min(app.screen.width / sprite.texture.width, app.screen.height / sprite.texture.height);

PixiJS does not have its own alignment/reflow system. Dfiferent people write it different way => we supply only basic transforms.

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On 5/3/2020 at 2:01 PM, ivan.popelyshev said:

Oh, that! That's one of basic exercises with transforms, solves with javascript functions "Math.min" and "Math.max", or pair of IF's. 

sprite.position.set(app.screen.width/2, app.screen.height/2 ); //same as your innerWidth
sprite.scale.set(Math.min(app.screen.width / sprite.texture.width, app.screen.height / sprite.texture.height);

PixiJS does not have its own alignment/reflow system. Dfiferent people write it different way => we supply only basic transforms.

I have another case this unfortunately is not working, because this time the window isn't the container, but a small html element it's supposed to follow on scroll. 

So if I use the following, the images are not distorted and perfectly scaled to the container's size, but overflowing:

const {width, height, top, left} = this.$els.image.getBoundingClientRect();
this.sprite.position.set(left + width / 2, top + height / 2);
this.sprite.scale.set(Math.max(width / this.sprite.texture.width, height / this.sprite.texture.height));


Using this makes the image not overflow, but distort again, since it's stuffed into this little container again:

const {width, height, top, left} = this.$els.image.getBoundingClientRect();
this.sprite.position.set(left + width / 2, top + height / 2);
this.sprite.scale.set(Math.max(width / this.sprite.texture.width, height / this.sprite.texture.height));
this.sprite.width = width;
this.sprite.height = height;


Edited by Johnny Kontrolleti
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I added an AlphaFilter, which is kind of working - but how do I update it's position? Do I need to redraw the filterArea on update?

getMask = () => {
    const {width, height, top, left} = this.$els.image.getBoundingClientRect();
    this.sprite.filters = [new PIXI.filters.AlphaFilter()];
    this.sprite.filterArea = new PIXI.Rectangle(left, top, left + width, top + width);


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53 minutes ago, ivan.popelyshev said:

there shouldn't be a problem in case sprite doesnt get out of screen. The problem exists because filter scales everything down -> it needs some info "from beyond the screen" . You should use Sprite bounds and not getBounding stuff if you need it

Thanks the efforts again, but I smh still can't make it run.

The sprite is overflowing a normal html container, as you can see in the image below. - All images should be of same width, but some images, probably a different ratio do overflow.

const {width, height, top, left} = this.$els.image.getBoundingClientRect();
this.sprite.position.set(left + width / 2, top + height / 2);
this.sprite.scale.set(Math.max(width / this.sprite.texture.width, height / this.sprite.texture.height));

Setting width and height will restrict the sprite's area to my elements width and height, but cramp/distort the images. I need a way to cut/hide that overflow.


Edited by Johnny Kontrolleti
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oh, you want to use filterArea to clamp sprites! tehre are two more ways:

1. add rect graphics inside sprite that is also its mask, coords local. (anchor=0.5, then 0,0 in graphics is sprite center)

2. modify texture frame. "const frame = sprite.texture.frame; frame.x = ... frame.y = ..." where x,y,width,height is culled the way you want, use JS min/max and positioning here, im sure you can do the math. Dont forget to call "texture.updateUvs()" afterwards. If you have one texture on multiple sprites, i recommend to clone texture before you assign it to sprite (works in >5.2.2)

1 is faster than filter, 2 is significantly faster. But if you need alphaFilter anyway, you can use your trick with filterArea, yep :)

Edited by ivan.popelyshev
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22 hours ago, ivan.popelyshev said:

oh, you want to use filterArea to clamp sprites! tehre are two more ways:

1. add rect graphics inside sprite that is also its mask, coords local. (anchor=0.5, then 0,0 in graphics is sprite center)

I tried the following, but somehow the sprite completely disappeared - well at least this shows that the mask is working ?

const {width, height, top, left} = this.$els.image.getBoundingClientRect();
this.sprite.position.set(left + width / 2, top + height / 2);
this.sprite.scale.set(Math.max(width / this.sprite.texture.width, height / this.sprite.texture.height));

const mask = new PIXI.Graphics();
mask.drawRect(0,0, this.sprite.width, this.sprite.height);
this.sprite.mask = mask;


Edited by Johnny Kontrolleti
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