tedroncal Posted April 25, 2020 Share Posted April 25, 2020 Whenever i run the app it gives me a console error of Quote Uncaught TypeError: this.physics.overlapRect is not a function Here is my code: class mainScene { preload() { this.load.image('player', 'assets/player.png'); this.load.image('coin', 'assets/coin.png'); } create() { var spriteBounds = Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Inflate(Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Clone(this.physics.world.bounds), -20, -20); for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) { var pos = Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Random(spriteBounds); var block = this.physics.add.sprite(pos.x, pos.y, 'player'); block.setVelocity(Phaser.Math.Between(50, 100), Phaser.Math.Between(50, 100)); block.setBounce(1).setCollideWorldBounds(true); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { block.body.velocity.x *= -1; } else { block.body.velocity.y *= -1; } blocks.push(block); } rect = this.add.rectangle(400, 300, 300, 200).setStrokeStyle(2, 0xffff00); this.input.on('pointermove', function (pointer) { rect.x = pointer.x; rect.y = pointer.y; }, this); } update (time, delta) { blocks.forEach(function (block) { block.setTint(0xffffff); }); // We need the top-left of the rect var x = rect.x - (rect.width / 2); var y = rect.y - (rect.height / 2); var within = this.physics.overlapRect(x, y, rect.width, rect.height); within.forEach(function (body) { body.gameObject.setTint(0xff0000); }); } } var blocks = []; var rect; new Phaser.Game({ width: 700, height: 300, backgroundColor: '#3498db', scene: mainScene, physics: { default: 'arcade' }, parent: 'game', }); Can you please help in finding the solution. Thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
supertommy Posted May 3, 2020 Share Posted May 3, 2020 Your class should extend Phaser.Scene like this: class mainScene extends Phaser.Scene { // ... } Sky Alpha 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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