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Problem with calling animations as group in phaser 2


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I have one array having 3 phaser groups as follows


exp_s = game.add.group() ;
      exp_s.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE ;
      exp_s.enableBody = true ;
      exp_s.scale.setTo(0.9) ;

      exp_m = game.add.group() ;
      exp_m.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE ;
      exp_m.enableBody = true ;
      exp_m.scale.setTo(0.7) ;
      exp_l = game.add.group() ;
      exp_l.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE ;
      exp_l.enableBody = true ;
      exp_l.scale.setTo(0.5) ;

      em_group.push(exp_s,exp_m,exp_l) ;

added animations as follows:


em_group.forEach((group,index)=> {
         group.callAll('animations.add','animations', `blink${index+1}`, [0,1,2], 10, true) ;
         group.callAll('animations.play', 'animations', `blink${index+1}`) ;
}) ;

now inside a loop event i'm creating meteors using :

meteor = em_group[index].create(xpos,-150,sprite_alias,0) ;

here sprite_alias is the id given to the spritesheet of meteors. But when meteors are created in game, animation is not starting.

but if i use code 2 in loop event it will start animation but so many animation calls are reducing the performance of my game. Pls help to fix this problem.

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