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how to do rotation in phaser 3


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I need help with one more thing and this is the most important part. If you look at this game (http://game.webxinxin.com/tacit/) , when you go to portrait mode, it doesn’t show the game in a portrait mode, but still shows in landscape mode even if you’re in a portrait mode. So if you’re in a portrait mode, you still have to rotate the screen in order to play.



When I did this,

mode: Phaser.Scale.ENVELOP,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,



It shows the game in portrait mode directly which just is bad because it shows the game in a bad shape. So is there a way to show the game in a portrait mode as on that game link I posted?

The way this is handled in that game link is the following code:


Phaser.World.prototype.displayObjectUpdateTransform = function() {
if(!game.scale.correct) {
this.x = game.camera.y + game.width;
this.y = -game.camera.x;
this.rotation = Phaser.Math.degToRad(Phaser.Math.wrapAngle(90));
} else {
this.x = -game.camera.x;
this.y = -game.camera.y;
this.rotation = 0;



but i have no idea how to implement this code in phaser 3. what is even PIXI? or Phaser.World? this code directly doesn’t work in Phaser 3. Any idea?

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