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Best way to handle collision on route to destination?


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I have an object, let's call it Player, than the user can move via mouse clicks. I am currently using the following code to move Player:


this.tween = this.game.add.tween(this.body).to({ x: x, y: y }, duration, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true);

This works great, until Player runs into a blocking object (let's call them Squares) which have immovable = true. What ends up happening is the Square block Player and Player glitches about and sometimes even teleports to the other side of Square, before continuing on to his destination. 


I am assuming this happens because tweens use a duration to complete the animation, which makes sense. But how can I handle when Player is blocked by a Square and his duration for the current path is now longer, because Player should go around Square rather than teleport across?


Thank you

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Well you can´t use tween, you should create your own pathfinding algorithm and then use a combination of tweens to move it or do the tweening yourself.


Thanks for the tip, I never thought about a Path system. Because Squares can be dynamic/moving all the time, would I need to create an initial path on click, and then recreate a new path for Player if he collides with a Square along the original path?

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