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My Viral Quiz Instant Game have very low player


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I have created Viral Fun Quiz instant game like OMG.

My game have very low player. So I share my game play result to facebook group and

facebook banned my placement. I have no idea how to get more player for my instant game.

Some of instant game created is later than my game, but they have many players.

How can I share my viral fun quiz game to get more player.

With Regard...

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Without detail I can't offer anything but generic suggestions.  FB "banning" stuff is usually because of a breach of rules, or similar claims.  Yes it'll feel unfair ... but there is no entitlement to profiteer from FB's audience.  How is your quiz "Viral" if it has very low players?  Dwindling audience is always due to a "viral coefficient" of less than 1 - rise to that challenge and FB is a great place to be (use shareAsync() to provide relevant and fun messaging, and bots to re-engage smartly).  Also remember - new privacy constraints are imposed regularly, and competition mounts daily - so legacy successes always had an easier ride to market share.

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