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Sharing Instant Games with Play Button


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Hello, I've spent last 5 hours trying to figure this out.

How are some people able to share posts like this?



If I take their URL and try to share it myself it shows as broken, all they are using is fb.gg/appid/contextstuff

How are they able to post it like that? There is no explanation in announcement about fb.gg links.



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Yes, I was refering to that post, however I don't belive they are using ads manager unless they can publish posts through it. Did you check out this page?


All of their posts are like that.

Is it possible to share it like that via shareAsync or is it some other method used here?


Here is how my link looks, attached image into post



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3 hours ago, Noel said:

@Veritos I do not have access to the link you shared.
The image you attached in your original post is a click-to-play ad. More info here: https://www.facebook.com/fbgaminghome/developers/best-practices/discovery#playerAcquisition

Thanks for info, because of it I actually figured how to do it to normal posts.

Posted a solution to IG developers Facebook group in case anyone is looking for it in future.


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