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Small delay at the beginning of the game


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I have already made a lot of stuff in my game(supermario-like), so now the only thing, that bothers me is performance, that im struggling with. When the game is just started, players movements are very slow and I don't have a clue why.
Perhaps, it might be the size of map(or game bounds, that I widely expanded) - 2400x16000. I've read article about chunking map into small pieces to decrease CPU usage, but haven't tried it yet(should I? guess I will try it anyway, but still would like to listen to some good advices).

Oh, almost forgot this case. It lags about 10-15 seconds every time I open page in the browser - switching to any other application(page in browser, application on PC, etc.) causes this effect.

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On 12/1/2018 at 3:09 AM, samme said:

Could switch to dynamic tilemap layers, if you're using static.

Perhaps, it might have changed something, but I didn't notice(the difference is varying between 0-5 fps). And map is about to be expanded even more, than it's now. During this holidays I've come up with an idea of creating single image of ground blocks, rather than making a single block of tilemap separately. Though it seems to look ugly af at the end(what I am afraid of).

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