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Cannot read property 'body' of undefined


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I'm really really really new to Phaser and for school we need to make a game in only 2 weeks. I'm making a game based on doodle jump. I searched a long time for some examples but I can only find Phaser 2 examples. 

This makes it really hard for me to actually understand Phaser 3. I'm learning it with very small steps but can't seem to understand why I'm getting this error:

//preload class: I tried both spritesheet and image
this.load.spritesheet(`tile`, `./assets/tile.png`,{ frameWidth: 32, frameHeight: 48 });

//this is a copied Phaser 2 example that I'm trying to convert
platformsCreateOne(x, y, width) {
    //When a tile leaves the screen - returns a sprite with false property
    const platform = this.platforms.getFirstDead({
      key: 'tile'

    //I added this myself because the sprite didn't have a body, not sure if this is correct
    platform.body = true;

    console.log(platform); //returns a sprite
    console.log(platform.body); //returns true

    //told me that platform.reset is not a function, agian not sure if this is correct, not even sure why i use .physics.body guess I just tried something I saw online, again i'm really new to phaser
    platform.physics.body.reset(x, y); //returns error "Cannot read property 'body' of undefined"
    //also tried this   
      x: x,
      y: y

    platform.scale.x = width;
    platform.scale.y = 16;
    platform.body.immovable = true;
    return platform;


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