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Board Plugin for Phaser 3 solves all of your board related problems. You don't have to create a single board manually ever again. Create all your boards in one single line and don't worry, it never takes controls away from you. customize your boards as much as you need or use it in any case you see fit.

Some of the scenarios it can be used in but not limited to are - match3, tic tac toe, memory games, and any others board related projects. Create a full-featured game in just a couple of line of code.

Visit https://otorexia.github.io/BoardPlugin/ for more information.

I need your support please buy this product so, I can continue to improve this product and able to do other projects similar to this (possibly in opensource format) - Support me.

Also, get $10 off by visiting this link (only for first 10 buyers).

Any kind of feedback is welcome. Thank You.





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