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Can I create any shapes via BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreatePolygon?


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Hi all,


I tried to create a plane with holes, and I found the following seems good to me.



But when I did it via BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreatePolygon, I found that it will ignore the y value of all points, so I am confused.


If I want to create some shpes(any) with holes in it, what's the better way to do it, or can I make CreatePolygon not ignore the y value?


Thanks in advance!


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Hi there,  please go through the official documentation, it covers all your questions (https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/parametric_shapes


 For Non Regular Polygon/ Extruded Non Regular Polygon -> the path should be in x0z plane.

and you can use extrude shapes in both z and y direction (ref - https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/parametric_shapes#extruded-shapes)

Hope this helps, happy learning :) 

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