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Getting no light scene using scene serializer downloaded scene and no light mesh when cloning


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Hello All,

I am trying to save scene after editing using scene serializer. Below are the things i have achieved till now. 

1. I am able to edit meshes under scene
2. I am able to download edited scene successfully.

Below are problems i am facing

1. When i clone scene (using double click) i am not getting exactly same replica of required mesh.
2. When i try to play downloaded scene under sandbox new scene showing with no light.

Below is the link to example play ground.


For dowload refer:


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Hello @kcoley,

Thank for reply and apologies for delayed replay.

I have tried implementing suggestion provided by you and below are my findings.

1. I could able to download edited scene in ".glb" format.

2. However. when i try to render the downloaded scene in sandbox i get attached error, any mistake i made or route me to right way to download scene.

I have  question in continuation with your suggestion.

1. How can implement same mechanism in my code (refer Edit.html) so that i can make generic logic. So whenever user wants to save he will get download of file in same way.




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Hi @ramkrishna

2. The error is currently a bug in sandbox, which has been flagged here: https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/issues/5360

3. You can trigger an event where you serialize your scene to gltf or glb based on the docs here: https://doc.babylonjs.com/extensions/gltfexporter
Something like this:

BABYLON.GLTF2Export.GLBAsync(scene, "fileName").then(function(glb) {

Let me know if have further questions on this.

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