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About updatePoseMatrix ()


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I ask myself this question: sometimes our animate models are totally distorted and with the use of updatePoseMatrix () this solves the problem.

My question is why some model updatePoseMatrix()  it is not needed and others need it.

What exactly is this function? What is she doing ? why some model do not need it? Is this a defect in our animations?

Thank you for the clarification. It happens in users of my software asks me the question and I do not really know what to answer. So I'm asking the question here to be less stupid.

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This function will reset the pose matrix to the current mesh matrix. 

This will mostly depends upon the way you created the mesh in your DCC tool. Sometimes the pose matrix is wrong and needs to be updated.


TLDR: The default mesh position should be equals to the pose position

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The initial pose of the mesh (the first frame) should be the same as the poseMatrix


"En gros ton mesh doit etre exactement le meme a t=0 que la premiere frame d'animation du squelette"

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So is it possible to create a condition that verifies the pose of the matrix to that of the matrix of the current mesh.

I've seen his functions : (but I'm not sure what to use.)

if(mesh.getPoseMatrix() !== mesh.getWorldMatrix()) {


if(mesh.getPoseMatrix() !== BABYLON.Matrix.Identity()) {

// OR

if(mesh.getPoseMatrix() !== mesh.computeWorldMatrix()) {
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isEquals  does not exist. but I try var pose = dude.getPoseMatrix().equals(dude.computeWorldMatrix());

it always returns false, even if it is true.

because of values on -0 and other 0 so this returns false even if it is true.

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I have to create the function like that, I add all the sums and at the end they must be equal or different.

Maybe we can do it differently, but like that, it works.

I put my function here in case it interests someone.

		let poseMatrix = 0;
		let computeMatrix = 0;		
		for(let i = 0; i < mesh.getPoseMatrix().m.length; i++) {
			poseMatrix += Math.abs(mesh.getPoseMatrix().m[i]);			
		for(let i = 0; i <  mesh.computeWorldMatrix().m.length; i++) {			
			computeMatrix += Math.abs(mesh.computeWorldMatrix().m[i]);			
		if(poseMatrix === computeMatrix) return true;
		else return false;		


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