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Moving spheres from origin point to closest mesh/face/vertex


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My scenario: 
- An OBJ file containing several meshes (cube, cones, monkey head, etc) all touching each other
- A sphere (or more than one) created off to the side of the imported mesh.

My objectives are:
- Determine the closest point on the imported mesh from the sphere.
- Create another Sphere at that point.

The end result is a sphere on the surface of the imported mesh.

Before I started playing with Babylon JS, I had tried Three JS.  I found a small routine that would do this.  Now I'd like to do the same thing in Babylon.  Here's the Three JS.

        // This function is called first.  it accepts datapoint as a parameter.  datapoint is the sphere that is off to the side of the imported model.
        function updateClosestPointPosition(datapoint) {
            var p = datapoint.position;   
            var geom = partmodel.geometry; // cone.geometry
            var closestDistance = 1e9;     // Don't understand 1e9 to be honest
            var closestFace = geom.faces.forEach(function (face) {
                var normal = face.normal;
                var va = geom.vertices[face.a];
                var vb = geom.vertices[face.b];
                var vc = geom.vertices[face.c];
                var pd = normal.dot(p.clone().sub(va));
                // move p -(pd - td) units in the direction of the normal
                var proj = p.clone().sub(normal.clone().multiplyScalar(pd));
                // closest point of proj and the triangle
                var cp = closestPointToTriangle(proj, va, vb, vc);
                if (cp.distanceTo(p) < closestDistance) {
                    closestDistance = cp.distanceTo(p);
                    closestPoint.position.y.toString() + ',' + closestPoint.position.z.toString() + ',';

        function sameSide(p1, p2, a, b) {
            var ab = b.clone().sub(a)
            var ap1 = p1.clone().sub(a)
            var ap2 = p2.clone().sub(a)
            var cp1 = new THREE.Vector3().crossVectors(ab, ap1)
            var cp2 = new THREE.Vector3().crossVectors(ab, ap2)
            return cp1.dot(cp2) >= 0

        function pointInTriangle(p, a, b, c) {
            return sameSide(p, a, b, c) && sameSide(p, b, a, c) && sameSide(p, c, a, b)

        function closestToSegment(p, a, b) {
            var ab = b.clone().sub(a)
            var nab = ab.clone().normalize()
            var n = nab.dot(p.clone().sub(a))
            if (n < 0) return a
            if (n > ab.length()) return b
            return a.clone().add(nab.multiplyScalar(n))

        function closestToSides(p, sides) {
            var minDist = 1e9
            var ret
            sides.forEach(function (side) {
                var ct = closestToSegment(p, side[0], side[1])
                var dist = ct.distanceTo(p)
                if (dist < minDist) {
                    minDist = dist
                    ret = ct

            return ret

        function closestPointToTriangle(p, a, b, c) {
            // if the point is inside the triangle then it's the closest point
            if (pointInTriangle(p, a, b, c)) return p
            // otherwise it's the closest point to one of the sides
            return closestToSides(p, [[a, b], [b, c], [a, c]])

Is there an easy way to do this in babylon js or do i need to work on some conversion?

Here's the playground I started:  https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/indexStable.html#NSSAV4
The playground uses two spheres.

Unfortunately I am not sure how to do this offhand.

Thank you for the assistance!

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I ran through the documentation on facet data and used it to construct a function that seems to work for me.

function GetNearestPoint(currentSphere) {
    var nearestMesh, nearestFacet, facetPos;
    var projected;
    var distance = 0;
    var shortestDistance = 9999999;
    meshes.forEach(function (mesh) {     // meshes is an array containing the mesh and its "sub meshes"
    var facets = mesh.getFacetLocalPositions()

        if (facets.length > 0) {
            facets.forEach(function (facet) {
                distance = BABYLON.Vector3.Distance(currentSphere.position, facet);
                if (distance < shortestDistance) {
                    nearestFacet = facet;
                    shortestDistance = distance;
                    nearestMesh = mesh;

    projected = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();
    var index = nearestMesh.getClosestFacetAtCoordinates(nearestFacet.x, nearestFacet.y, nearestFacet.z, projected);

    return projected;  // use this set of coordinates to construct the newer/closer sphere

Thanks for the help, everyone!

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