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Hey Devs and All,

I'm just feeling a bit sentimental about how far this forum has come the past 4 years. @Deltakosh and @davrous  ( + others) have given us a creative outlet that has turned into a new frontier. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate that I am able to come to a place that provides me not only technical advice, but I've made many new friends as well. Much love to you all.


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Hello all...

Unfortunately due to traffic, I didn't arrive on the lot in time to make my lunch appointment. I was totally bummed, however my new Producer for 3rd Brain Technologies Janet Arlotta has a re-shoot with him in about a week. And this time, I'll be there with bells on.? Not going to stand up Captain Kirk twice.

@Deltakosh - good question! I've got to ask if he's using Babylon.js. I can't believe I didn't think of this one!



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Ahh, Billy Shatnoid... you bet.  I worked with him in a movie called "The Wrath of Chaka Khan".  ;)   (not)

These days, he's pretty anti-drooling-over-him, and I can understand that.  I know he likes questions such as "How do you think the world came into existence?" and "Do you think life is a dream/hallucination, fooling our 5 senses?" 

Really.  He is quite sick of questions from "the neutral zone".  :)

My buddy that does video production for horse events in Lexington, KY area... says he sees Bill and Elizabeth attending various horse shows and socials.  They're "into" horses.  That might be another good subject to converse-about.  And, you know, food.  Ask him to tell you about his finest meals.  I bet he'll start rattling-on.  Get him to reminisce about the funnest things he has done, and listen well.

He might give you a horse!  :) (You REALLY wanted a StarFleet shuttle craft, though, right?  *nod*)

This is a goofy thread.  :)

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2 hours ago, Wingnut said:

Ahh, Billy Shatnoid... you bet.  I worked with him in a movie called "The Wrath of Chaka Khan".  ;)   (not)

Ah.. @Wingnut -

You're always good for a laugh!? He has a re-shoot next week, and I'm going to try and make the shoot if I can work out the logistics. The only thing that might keep me away is that I'm scheduled for the G2E show in Vegas next week; so we'll see how it goes.

Anyway, if I get a picture with the Captain, you know the first place I'm going to post it.


On a different note (no pun intended), I'm waiting on FedEx to deliver my new keyboard this morning. It truly looks like a science station right off the bridge of the Enterprise. I mention this as it's the perfect workstation to compose and record music for online content. Here's a You Tube video:

For those of you who write and record their own music for their games, there is no better keyboard out there. It runs Cubase natively, and has features that have never been seen before. I usually run Pro Tools, but I can run either on this board without the need for my laptop - or any MIDI or analog interface for all the channels of audio I choose. There's even a driver which converts all applicable performances and sounds to Web Audio, so that I can use a tone generator without the need for downloading audio files. I'm truly psyched!


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