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Cannot use chooseAsync in Phaser 3


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I just wanted to share that FBInstant's sharing dialogs (chooseAsync(), etc.) might cause problems on iOS devices if you are using Phaser 3. The problem is that after these dialogs return control back to the game, game's input stops working. It happens if you try to interact with the game in the split second after control is returned back to the game. This happens only in iOS devices. Here is the issue tracking it: https://github.com/photonstorm/phaser/issues/3887 It's not specific to FB APIs but anything that can take away control from the game.

I am trying to fix this issue in Phaser and send a pull request, but I have not made much progress yet. It's a bit difficult for my first patch :) Given that social interactions are a big deal in instant games and we can't do without these APIs, I think it's better to use Phaser 2 for instant games until this is sorted out. I unknowingly sent my app to review without testing it on an iPhone and it got rejected and appeals are taking really long. So make sure you test your FB games on multiple devices if possible!


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