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Blocks become fuzzy?


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Hey everyone,

I have a really weird/strange problem, i recently switch from a mac computer to a windows computer and when i play my game all of my boxes (which have my own shadermaterials on them) have lots of black dots all over them, like the static on old tvs,(or ants on the screen as i used to think they were ? ), this only happens on my windows machine, when i open it on my phone everything is fine.  Here are some of the specs for what i am using if it helps:

chrome: Version 69.0.3497.81 (Official Build) (64-bit)
windows: windows 10 home edition (version 1803(OS Build 17134.228))
Heres a playground where i get the same problem
Here is what it looks like on my windows machine:
Here is what it looks like on my phone(how it should look)  :
Any ideas how i could fix this or why it is happening? 
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