LuizzAugusto Posted August 30, 2018 Share Posted August 30, 2018 Hello! I'm creating a basic shoot em up with Phaser CE/v2, but I'm not capable to add a working weapon to the enemy group. Here is the enemy group code: function GroupFactory(image) { var group =; var sprite = game.add.sprite(0, 0, image); group.dimension = {}; group.dimension.width = sprite.width; group.dimension.height = sprite.height; sprite.kill(); return group; } function Enemies(image) { var group = GroupFactory(image); group.speed = 4; group.enableBody = true; group.update = function(time, score) { if(time >= 2000) { var sprite = group.create(game.rnd.realInRange(0, - group.dimension.width), -group.dimension.height, image); var limit = game.rnd.realInRange(2,4); = 3; sprite.weapon = Weapon(1, 'bullet', sprite, 0, -sprite.width, 90, 400, 800);; sprite.collisionsDefaultAction = function() { game.physics.arcade.enable(sprite); if( > 0) {; sprite.visible = false; } else { sprite.kill(); score.value += 1; } }; time = 0; sprite.update = function() { if(sprite.y <= - sprite.height) { sprite.y += group.speed; } if(!sprite.visible && > 0) setTimeout(function() { sprite.visible = true; }, 100); }; } return time; }; return group; } And weapon code: function WeaponFactory(number, image, object, x, y) { var sprite = game.add.weapon(number, image); sprite.bullets.setAll('scale.x', scale); sprite.bullets.setAll('scale.y', scale); sprite.trackSprite(object, x, y); return sprite; } function Weapon(number, image, object, x, y, bulletAngleSet, fireRate, bulletSpeed) { var sprite = WeaponFactory(number, image, object, x, y); sprite.bulletKillType = Phaser.Weapon.KILL_DISTANCE; sprite.bulletKillDistance =; sprite.bulletAngleSet = bulletAngleSet; sprite.fireRate = fireRate; sprite.bulletSpeed = bulletSpeed*scale; return sprite; } Update code: function update() { if(this.player.visible) { this.text.visible = false; this.player.update(); this.score.update(); this.time = this.enemies.update(this.time, this.score); this.time += 20; this.enemies.forEach(function(enemy) { enemy.update(); }, this); game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.player, this.enemies, collisionHandler, null, this); game.physics.arcade.overlap(this.player.weapon.bullets, this.enemies, collisionHandler, null, this); } else { this.gameOverText.visible = true; RetryTouch(this.player, this.enemies, this.score); } } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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