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Best Method for RPG Style Point/DMG Floating Prompts


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So Im sure everyone knows the DPS Messages from most RPG's.

Where you hit something and text pops out and fades off showing a value of that event.

So this is a two part question...  Do we support Image Textmaps, if not then does anyone have any examples of image text that they have worked up.

Second part would be with the scene already having one AdvanceDynamicTexture for the UI, what would be the best method of displaying this info? 

Maybe a dynamic texture that updates the value being displayed then, create a billboard plane that holds a cloned version of the dynamic texture on it, animate the plane and then dispose them both after the animation is done?

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	var makeTextPlane =
		function(text, color, size)
			var dynamicTexture = new BABYLON.DynamicTexture("DynamicTexture", 50, scene, true);
			dynamicTexture.hasAlpha = true;
			dynamicTexture.drawText(text, 5, 40, "bold 36px Arial", color , "transparent", true);

			var plane = new BABYLON.Mesh.CreatePlane("TextPlane", size, scene, true);
			plane.material = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("TextPlaneMaterial", scene);
			plane.material.backFaceCulling = false;
			plane.material.specularColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0, 0, 0);
			plane.material.diffuseTexture = dynamicTexture;

			return plane;

Something like this?

Edited by QuintusHegie
had a fight with the code editor syntax coloring ;-)
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