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Creating swiping mechanism


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Basically you'll want to compare input events on an interactive object enabled with drag, based on the interaction start (on pointerdown or dragstart) and end/progress (on drag).  Based on the updated pointers coords (and a defined minimum threshold as to what constitutes a swipe), you can determine the swipe direction.

You can also expand on this by calculating the velocity/amplitude of the swipe, and acting on that within the update loop, but that gets much more complicated.


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var downX, upX, downY, upY, threshold = 50;

target.on('pointerdown', function (pointer) {
	downX = pointer.x;
	downY = pointer.y;

target.on('pointerup', function (pointer) {
	upX = pointer.x;
	upY = pointer.y;
	if (upX < downX - threshold){
	} else if (upX > downX + threshold) {
	} else if (upY < downY - threshold) {
	} else if (upY > downY + threshold) {


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7 hours ago, prob said:
var downX, upX, downY, upY, threshold = 50;

target.on('pointerdown', function (pointer) {
	downX = pointer.x;
	downY = pointer.y;

target.on('pointerup', function (pointer) {
	upX = pointer.x;
	upY = pointer.y;
	if (upX < downX - threshold){
	} else if (upX > downX + threshold) {
	} else if (upY < downY - threshold) {
	} else if (upY > downY + threshold) {


Yes, this is correct. Thanks you for you aswer.

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15 hours ago, gammafp said:

Hi. You can see my little plugin: 


Getting error when i use this plugin.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'cargar' of null
    at initialize.gameScene.create (game.js:9)

and my code is like this:

let gameScene = new Phaser.Scene('Game');

gameScene.preload = function () {
    this.load.plugin(" Phaser3Swipe ", Phaser3Swipe, true);

gameScene.create = function () {
    let plugin = this.plugins.get('Phaser3Swipe');
    this.events.on("swipe", (e) => {
        if (e.right) {
        else if (e.left) {
        else if (e.up) {
        else if (e.down) {



var game;
window.onload = function() {
  var gameConfig = {
     type: Phaser.AUTO,
     width: window.innerWidth,
     height: window.innerHeight,
     backgroundColor: 0x3f0d7d,
     scene: gameScene
  game = new Phaser.Game(gameConfig);


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var distX, upX, distY, upY, dist, pi, threshold = 25;

target.on('pointerdown', function (pointer) {
	downX = pointer.x;
	downY = pointer.y;

target.on('pointerup', function (pointer) {
	distX = pointer.x - downX;
	distY = pointer.y - downY;
    dist = Math.sqrt(distX*distX + distY*distY);
    if (dist > treshold) {
        angle = Math.atan2(distY, distX);
    pi = Math.PI;
    if (angle > -pi/4 && agle < pi/4) { /*right*/}
    else if (angle > pi/4 && angle < 3*pi/4) { /*down*/}
    else if (angle > -3*pi/4 && angle < -pi/4) { /*up*/ }
    else if (angle > 3*pi/4 || angle < -3*pi/4) { /*left*/}
    else { /*unknown*/}

algorithms above is non-corrects. that good algorithm from Emanuele Feronato

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34 minutes ago, iKest said:
var downX, upX, downY, upY, threshold = 25;

target.on('pointerdown', function (pointer) {
	downX = pointer.x;
	downY = pointer.y;

target.on('pointerup', function (pointer) {
	distX = pointer.x - downX;
	distY = pointer.y - downY;
    dist = Math.sqrt(distX*distX + distY*distY);
    if (dist > treshold) {
        angle = Math.atan2(distY, distX);
    pi = Math.PI
    if (angle > -pi/4 && agle < pi/4) { /*right*/}
    else if (angle > pi/4 && angle < 3*pi/4) { /*down*/}
    else if (angle > -3*pi/4 && angle < -pi/4) { /*up*/ }
    else if (angle > 3*pi/4 || angle < -3*pi/4) { /*left*/}
    else { /*unknown*/}


Great. Thank you.

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11 hours ago, Keisha said:

Getting error when i use this plugin.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'cargar' of null
    at initialize.gameScene.create (game.js:9)

and my code is like this:

If you look at your code you load the plugin as " Phaser3Swipe " (with spaces around it) but you try to load the plugin as "Phaser3Swipe" (no spaces). That means when you try to get the plugin to start it's not able to find it.

To fix this you need to make sure you use the same name in preload and create:

gameScene.preload = function() {
  // load the plugin
  this.load.plugin('Phaser3Swipe', Phaser3Swipe, true);

  // other scene loading code

gameScene.create = function() {

  // get the plugin, make sure you use the same name that you gave
  // it when loading it above:
  let plugin = this.plugins.get('Phaser3Swipe');

  // load the plugin into this scene:

  // other scene creation code


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6 hours ago, jdotr said:

If you look at your code you load the plugin as " Phaser3Swipe " (with spaces around it) but you try to load the plugin as "Phaser3Swipe" (no spaces). That means when you try to get the plugin to start it's not able to find it.

To fix this you need to make sure you use the same name in preload and create:

gameScene.preload = function() {
  // load the plugin
  this.load.plugin('Phaser3Swipe', Phaser3Swipe, true);

  // other scene loading code

gameScene.create = function() {

  // get the plugin, make sure you use the same name that you gave
  // it when loading it above:
  let plugin = this.plugins.get('Phaser3Swipe');

  // load the plugin into this scene:

  // other scene creation code


Thanks. That was my mistake

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  • 2 years later...
On 8/28/2018 at 6:35 AM, prob said:
var downX, upX, downY, upY, threshold = 50;

target.on('pointerdown', function (pointer) {
	downX = pointer.x;
	downY = pointer.y;

target.on('pointerup', function (pointer) {
	upX = pointer.x;
	upY = pointer.y;
	if (upX < downX - threshold){
	} else if (upX > downX + threshold) {
	} else if (upY < downY - threshold) {
	} else if (upY > downY + threshold) {

I tried to use a modified version this code within the update function of the phaser 3 game loop and it only seems to log left and right. Should this not be placed within the update function of the game loop?

this.input.on('pointerdown', function (pointer) {
    this.downX = pointer.x;
    this.downY = pointer.y;

this.input.on('pointerup', function (pointer) {
    this.upX = pointer.x;
    this.upY = pointer.y;
    if (this.upX < this.downX - 50){
    }  else if (this.upX > this.downX + 50) {
    } else if (this.upY < this.downY - 50) {
    }  else if (this.upY > this.downY + 50) {
    } else {
}, this);



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