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Position of Mesh


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If you are using createDefaultCameraOrLight(), like your "camera question", you are using an ArcRotateCamera.

Check out the alpha + beta + radius in the image in the docs.  Here is your duck from another angle:
edit: The difference you are experience may be due to one method creating a new scene and the other appending to existing scene.  You would need to share the full code.

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Great that you found which mesh had a good bounding box!  You will need to track which mesh (ie: .meshes[3]) has the bounding box and then perhaps a beta + alpha in radians.  I am not aware of mesh metadata that exposes preferred viewing angles:

If you are building something to generically load different meshes, here is some of the staging data that remix3D (I think) is using for their meshes to provide a consistent experience:

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I realized that the BabylonJS viewer can do this pretty easily.



With the exception of the duck (which seems to have its own set position), the above code seems to do exactly what I want it to do, given a mesh that doesn't have its own position set. However, it seems like Viewer doesn't support any frameworks yet. :( Do you think that the Viewer is a better alternative than writing my own viewer, even if it means waiting for framework support?

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