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How to set a selected area as the frustum plane


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Hi everyone,

I need to select an area in the scene, and then enlarge it as frustum plane.


Select an area by mouse:



Enlarge the selected area as frustum plane:



It seems babylon can not set a frustum plane directly, any idea to implement it?

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hi @fdeng


i made this for ArcRotateCamera

but some bug i have 

1. i make select on div top of canvas 

2. that close object use by scale arcrotatecamera radius parameter

3. just one direction   selected

** use click ight for back

** after any change you most reload full html and see correct result




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I don't want to chip anything, I just want to select a rectangle area, and then scale up it to fill the render canvas size.



Thanks for your PG demo,  it can zoom in the selected area, but the scale is a little different than what I want.

Your method is also a good choice if I can't find a better way to implement it 

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