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Texture _isBlocking problem


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I encountered really weird situation with texture's property isBlocking. At start of the program everything works well but after I dispose enginge, scene...well everything and I start over and try to create texture again the property _isBlocking is always true so none of the meshes using that texture doesn't render. How does this property work, when does the engine should change this property to false ? (Texture constructor sets it to true).

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isBlocking is always true on texture expect if you manually put it to false.

isBlocking is used to prevent materials  to render during the download of textures. when set to true a default (0,0,0,0) texture is used while a texture download.

It needs to be used pretty cautiously as the visual result might not be the one looked after.

This should not impact anything with your dispose case would be cool to have more info about your repro.

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the function is isReadyOrNotBlocking:

It either checks for the flag to render before the texture has been loaded or for the fact that the texture is ready (fully downloaded and uploaded to the gpu).

This is the entire goal of isBlocking prevent to render if not ready when flagged has true.

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