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BABYLON.GLTF2Export texture horizontally mirrored has no effect


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Hello Babylon community,
When using the BABYLON.GLTF2Export feature, I noticed that textures I mirror horizontally (via diffuseTexture.vScale = -1) do not change the glTF export as desired.

Is this a known / accepted limitation or is there a misunderstanding from my side? Also any workaround is appreciated (so far I mirror the texture again manually after exporting them).

Here a playground example to illustrate the problem: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1GXSPK#17
Uncomment line #11 ( = // oStandardMaterialHightlighter.diffuseTexture.vScale = -1;) and compare the export results.

Any help is appreciated (pinning @kcoley as you helped me so greatly last time)


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