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Is Babylonjs recommended for 2D projects?

Aldo V

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imho, Phaser is really dedicated to genuine 2D games on webGL. 

BabylonJS is dedicated to 3D and provides a 2D GUI and 2D tools (these tools being able to be injected in a 3D world what is huge)

Phaser has a 2.5 D support what is actually a 2D layer with a z level approach whereas BabylonJS can display real 3D in a 2.5D mode (orthographic camera)

Both are WebGL engine.

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What would the initial library footprint be (in KB and time to load)?  Does the library come all-as-one, or can it be modularized or have dead code eliminated?  Does a WebGL requirement limit the audience / inventory?  These may be relevant considerations for a playable-ad (or instant-game) when evaluating options.

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6 hours ago, b10b said:

Does the library come all-as-one, or can it be modularized or have dead code eliminated?

I know they are working on having it automatically remove the dead code with tree-shaking, but it's not there yet.  You can follow this github issue to follow when it's ready:
Having said that, it is modularized - the loaders, gui, materials, post-process, etc. are separate imports.

I thought I remembered a page to generate a custom script and I think it's even linked from the NPM page!
http://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_start#custom-builds <-- this link should be fixed on the NPM page (https://doc.babylonjs.com/features/npm_support), but I'm not sure where it should point.

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