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Friendly competition - Retro Remake Challenge!


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We have not done a monthly competition in a while.  

I am super busy this month to run one, but would anyone be interested in one possibly next month? 

I could even offer a prize of economy hosting for a year for the winner, cause I have an extra cpanel server just sitting doing nothing.

Im gonna be out of town for like a week, hopefully when I get back we have some takers.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm not sure prolly something specific like: Best Mini Game with Two Balls and Box... or something dumb like that.

- Best Simplistic 3D Remake of a Retro Game
- Best Particle "Explosion" System
- Cleanest Deployment of Pong

with bonus points for documenting the process.

Something like that... where we all have a clear goal and a month to pull it off.

I will not be able to compete but will have time to run and help judge if we can get like 3 or 4 people actually willing to do it.


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wooow...it's good.

i think it's better if we focus on idea... ( because i'm new to make game :D )

like a new type of board game ( ex mix a some board  like ches and other ) and rate game by idea...

and for prize we can grow the best and popular idea to make a good game

( sorry about my bad english writing, I hope you understand what I want to say )

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this might be a silly question, but would we still be able to ask forum questions during the competition?

Also if I hand in a school project thats cool too right?

Could I have multiple people on my team or is it solo?

Hahahaha so many questions :)  that probably will be answered when the competition starts :D 

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Here's a link to a retro tetris game tutorial to get you started if you are having writer's block:

I've started adopting a retro 8 bit environment in my Model Train Simulator game. Loosely based on an old DOS/C64/Atari game from 1983/1984. Plan is to submit 1 or 2 levels for the competition :-)

Here's a work-in-progress preview so far:


The skybox contains images from the original retro game (left a game level, right the start screen). I'm now working on 8bit-sampling my ground textures and structures.

Also this world tile (created from some license free web images) may be of fun use for your game:


I put it on the positive Y-axis of this particular train level's Skybox ;-)



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I love it, and nice logo!

So I figured if we have 3 people ready should we start everything next week?

What it will consist of from the start date will be a 30 day development sprint to see what you can make in accordance to what was discussed above.

Thinks like originality, documentation, and execution will be taking into consideration.  A complete product is not needed for the entry, but something close to workable is encouraged.

@QuintusHegie, @DylanD, @waverider, @babbleon

Yall ready?  Does Wednesday of this week sound like a good launch date?

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