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Panda 2 Beta feedback


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Panda 2 1.6.0 beta version is now available for testing:


To see what's new in the version, please look at the official roadmap:


Post any feedback or comments here. If you find bugs, please create new bug report (or if you don't have GitHub account and don't want to create one, post here).

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  • enpu pinned this topic

Hi @enpu

Sorry, but still the same thing for me - can't select and open any modules or classes.

When I try to create a new project, it fails and tell me 'No html file found from folder.'

Also, now the modules button is gone and I only see a files button. I see all my files when I press it, but can't open them :(

*** EDIT - when I browse the files and go inside the src folder, I can open them, but not when I see the modules etc by default ***


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Aaw, now I want to be able to ctlt+click on the the main.js, and have it open. (It's ok, I'm just spoilt)

Also, I have the same issue as Ninja, I've opened my project, but I'm unable to select the items on the side.


(Pressing the Button asset no longer jumps me to the Button object).

This is in Windows, although I'm not sure if that should be relevant? I've got an ubuntu VM I can kick open to see if it's got the same issue.

The ctrl+click on the art assets opening them in an editor is great! +1.

..and just noticed Enpu is already onto the fix. :) Cheers!


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Hi @enpu

Awesome, works flawlessly now :)

One thing I've noticed, is that you removed the button with which you could toggle between modules and modules + classes.

Sometimes, when looking at my code, I like displaying only the modules as it's a cleaner way of displaying all my levels etc.

Any chance this could be added back in?

Thank you!!

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8 minutes ago, Ninjadoodle said:

toggle between modules and modules + classes

There were no such view as "modules + classes", it was only modules or classes.

Since modules are exactly same thing as a single JavaScript file, which you can now see from files sidebar, i though that there was really no reason to have a sidebar that only shows modules anymore, because the view would be almost same as the files.

But... in your case when you have multiple projects in same folder with lots of modules, it would actually make sense. So yeah, i will take a look to see how easy would it be to add it back, maybe put it in settings so you can toggle it on and off, because i thinks it's not really useful on most projects and makes it just more complicated and maybe confusing.


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I just noticed something else. I have a bunch of modules included in my project and all of them but one, show in the left bar.

For some reason 'objects' is missing ...

    // ***********
    // * ROUND 1 *
    // ***********
    // ***********
    // * PLUGINS *
    // ***********
.body(function() {

game.config.name = 'Shurizzle - Round 1';
game.config.start = 'Stage01';
game.config.storage.id = 'shurizzleR1';
game.config.system.startScene = 'MainR1';

game.createScene('MainR1', {
    init: function() {


Also, when loading a version of my game with all levels included, it seems to be loading the wrong 'main' file ...

The index for the projects is this ...

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Panda 2</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="src/engine/core.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="src/game/config.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="src/game/main.js"></script>

Yes, the project is loading 'mainR1' which only includes a portion of the levels.

Please let me know if you need me to send you a project etc.

Thank you!

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29 minutes ago, Ninjadoodle said:

Also, when loading a version of my game with all levels included, it seems to be loading the wrong 'main' file ...

I can't reproduce this with the project that you sent. Are you sure you are loading correct html file?

Can you tell me exact steps how to reproduce that issue?

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30 minutes ago, Ninjadoodle said:

I have a bunch of modules included in my project and all of them but one, show in the left bar.

There are files or classes in the sidebar, so are you missing "objects.js" file when viewing files in the sidebar?

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