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Circle Button HomeBrew Module


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Hi there everyone,

I am trying to make a new circle button module(in BABYLON.GUI), it would work exactly like a regular button but in the shape of a circle.  I have a prototype here which makes the button look like a circle but I can still click outside the circle to activate the button.

I was wondering how can I change that so you can  only activate the button by clicking inside the circle.

I don't fully understand why this doesn't work since I took out the rectangle portion of the button.

Any ideas?


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5 minutes ago, Deltakosh said:

Really approximate but you get the idea: https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#EJX0YB#1

(from #40 to #44)

wow this is great!  I don't really understand it very well, but this is great.

So how I think it works is centre get the square that used to be the pick area, then I'm lost.  I think current is the mouse pointer coordinates...


Thanks though DK!

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