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An example of Babylon 101's not work as expectated. [solved]


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first example of Materials Chapter.

missing one diffuseColor expected to be reflected by the first groundMesh.



if I change the for loop from 4 to 3, the missing diffuseColor will come back, and  it even have a specularColor of white(new BABYLON.Color3(1, 1, 1))!


 it's obviously something (maybe some configuration) that limit it's maximum color to be displayed.

But the article didn't mentioned.

My browser is Chrome 68.0.3440.75.

The maxSimultaneousLights of ground is set to 16 at the end of the code(if you explore the latest example.).


    var groundMat = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("groundMat", scene);
    groundMat.diffuseColor = mats;
    groundMat.maxSimultaneousLights = 16;
    var ground = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateGround("ground", {width: 4, height: 6}, scene);  
    ground.position.x = -2.5 + 5 * (i % 2);
    ground.position.z = 4.5 - 7 * (Math.floor(i / 2));
    ground.material = groundMat;
return scene;



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Hi @Totooria Hyperion and welcome to the forum. Thank you for noticing this and pointing it out. The image on the materials page just below the playground you mentioned is a screen capture of the same playground taken at the time of its creation. This means that an update to BabylonJS has changed something and we will need to trace the changes and create a new playground for the page.

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On it!

It is due to a new change for spotlights. We had to introduce more data per light so now we know are over bugdet when having 16 lights.

I will probably fix the sample to restraint lights per material (using light.includedMeshOnly) if that works for you @JohnK

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