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Text Groups?


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Is it possible to create a group of "text" objects?

I've managed to create a group of multiple arcade objects like so: 

this.players = this.add.systems.arcadePhysics.add.group();
    key: 'player_handgun',
    active: false,
    visible: false,
    repeat: 49,
    max: 50,

But I can't find an example or solution to have a group of text which I can recycle through.  Any suggestions?


I've tried this but it doesn't seem to work when I call getFirstDead() on the group, nor does that group have 50 text objects like the approach above generates:

this.nicknames = this.add.group();
    classType: Phaser.GameObjects.Text,
    active: false,
    visible: false,
    repeat: 49,
    max: 50,
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