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help needed for simulating a movement of a character along a curved line


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Hi all,


  Please find the following link 



which I have done using construct2 game engine and it took me almost a week to do this. Considering my programming skill of a designer(who also codes sometimes) it would take more time in Phaser.


Can you help me out with a code snippet which simulates the action shown in the link



The algorithm I have used is ... I am storing the trails as the player is touching the screen and storing the X,Y, direction (relation between previous consecutive trails) in an array which I am looping through and then changing the Y position of the main Sprite when the X of the next trail is less than the main sprite. ..if the current direction is LEFT to RIGHT.similarly changing the Y position of the main sprite if the X of next trail is greater than the main sprite ..if the current direction is RIGHT to LEFT


sorry if the explanation for the algo is crude :)




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