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create a new mesh per second?


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Hello everyone, I'am just starting learning babylon js to build an environment for the demo of my AI project and I had a problem here.

What I want to do is very simple, I'd like to automatically create a "Ball" every second for example.

I tried to use OnEveryFrameTrigger on scene, but it does not work.

Here is a link of playground


Could any one help me. Thanks.

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It's not really a bug.  When the tab switches, the Scene doesn't render - that's a good thing if you have lots of tabs open!  That can definitely cause some undesired behaviour.  One solution is to run in the background, so start your create scene like this:

engine.renderEvenInBackground = true;

Other solution is to hook into window.addEventListener(...) for 'blur' and 'focus' and to pause your engine render loop.

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