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Finding the real world position of a vertex that is driven by a joint


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Hey all, I am currently working on a project that has a mesh driven by joints. However, during the animation I need to be able to determine the actual real world position for one of the vertices. I have tried

.getVerticesData(BABYLON.VertexBuffer.PositionKind, true)

This gives me the position of the vertex(s)  at its starting point and not where it actually is as it deforms. I also tried

BABYLON.Vector3.TransformCoordinates(vertex, mesh.getWorldMatrix()

This of course gave me the real world coordinates of the vertex at its starting point. Again not quite what I was after.

So I guess I am hoping that someone can point me in the direction of finding the location of a vertex after it has been moved by a joint. Thanks.


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Hello! unfortunately (in your case) the bones are processed on GPU side to be fast!

So you cannot get the real world value of a vertex directly unless you turn off the GPU processing. It is possible but it will consume more CPU.

You can do it with mesh.computeBonesUsingShaders = false. In this case all the transformed values will be in  getVerticesData(BABYLON.VertexBuffer.PositionKind, true)


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