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FrontUV usage without Doubleside


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Why do think the mesh must be double-sided ? I can't remember this limitation.

Actually the optional parameter called customUV exists only for the ribbon (and maybe ribbon based shapes, I just can't remember) and can be used for any number of sides.

The parameters frontUV and backUV work for double-sided meshes.

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OOopps, I just read the DK's ping and not the post title. You were speaking about frontUVs and backUVs, not about customUV (that's not even documented, tsss). I read too fast ...

Actually, you're right the frontUVs parameter (as the backUVs one) only works for double-sided meshes for now, knowing that people usually use rather the texture uOffset and uScale properties instead when dealing with one side only.

That said, maybe the frontUVs parameter could also be used for single-sided meshes ... this needs to be implemented (I can't before next september, sorry)

Everything happens here : https://github.com/BabylonJS/Babylon.js/blob/master/src/Mesh/babylon.mesh.vertexData.ts#L2750  


[EDITED] the current documentation about frontUVs and backUVs http://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/frontandbackuv

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