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Babylon Toolkit Getting Started Video


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No, I wasn't asking about a BabylonJS getting started vid but specifically asking about the "Babylon Toolkit" Getting Started video, which is a set of tools that let you use the Unity Editor to export Babylon JS scenes. They link to a Getting Started Video but the link appears broken. The docs are good, but was curious to see what the video could add, plus if they don't realize the link is broken I am sure they would like to sort that out.
You can see the link on this page, https://doc.babylonjs.com/resources/intro under Getting Started

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Sorry guys , I still haven’t made one yet... I need a good topic besides just placing a cube on a plane...

if any body has any suggestions as to what kinda stuff you wanna start out with in a getting started video... let me know so I can put something together...

i guess otherwise, I will just go with putting a cube and a plane 

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I think even something as simple as a cube on a plane (or be a rebel and put that plane on top of the cube, lol) and then maybe add a material and a simple script to control the cube. Just a decent jumping off point for people with very little Unity experience would be appreciated.

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GLTF is for my next generation underlying toolkit library called Canvas Tools that the Babylon Toolkit will use to produce GLTF scene file with EXTRA Unity Meta Data. This not ready yet. Still working on that.

The current toolkit produces native Babylon json file.

also I use my new Canvas Tools to import glTF into unity ... until I get my new tools out ... you could use Sketchfab or Khronos... my tools are ports of the Khronos UnityGLTF projects with a bunch of my tools added ?

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