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Babylon Tookit doesn't compile on Unity 2018.1.6f1


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I imported the latest  tookit, and build my scene, the error appears. Before I import the toolkit, my scene builds fine. 

So I wonder if anyone who ever used this tool ? because the package is updated 19 days ago, No one noticed this problem?

But,I tried "build and preview" button, this works fine , weird

Another question is , the unity seems do not support webGL on mobile device, so the Babylon Toolkit exported scene will run smooth on mobile device ? 

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If possible, can you package up and send me the scene.

it seems when running the regular unity game with toolkit it causes errors... those are unity errors and I would like to if I can handle those more gracefully...

why you get them now... well I am in the process of submitting the toolkit to the unity asset store. There are guidelines to be accepted. So the toolkit meets the guidelines I do not automatically attach to the main unity play button just cause you have the toolkit in your project. So under Toolkit Exportation Options ... you must enable that feature... that feature is just a shortcut to the build and preview button.

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1 hour ago, MackeyK24 said:

If possible, can you package up and send me the scene.

Just an new scene with no more than just an cube box in it.

2 hours ago, MackeyK24 said:

it seems when running the regular unity game with toolkit it causes errors... those are unity errors and I would like to if I can handle those more gracefully...

It happens when I build the game. When I play the game in unity editor, it works fine.


2 hours ago, MackeyK24 said:

why you get them now... well I am in the process of submitting the toolkit to the unity asset store.

I just try to use it for some experimental, so maybe I can use it to develop my second HTML5 game, the first is developed using three.js, and the experience is not as smooth as I was expected.

2 hours ago, MackeyK24 said:

So under Toolkit Exportation Options ... you must enable that feature... that feature is just a shortcut to the build and preview button.

As a user's perspective,  the Toolkit should not stop my regular build process

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13 hours ago, haolly said:

As a user's perspective,  the Toolkit should not stop my regular build process

Well if your goal is to run native unity content. Then the Babylon Toolkit is NOT what you need.

I made the Babylon Toolkit as a dedicated game development tool for babylon.js.

It was NOT intended to be a Magic Unity Content Converter. So if your making a C# game and for some reason wanna EXPORT that unity designed content to babylon json file. Again... Babylon Toolkit is NOT for that.

The toolkit is designed for us Babylon.js developers to use the Fancy Game Editor to put together our babylon scenes, i made script components so we can attach our babylon scripts to our game objects. So really its designed to be game editor, disabling all unity runtime functionality... All we want is the Editor Tools so we can make our games using the same modern Game Editor Style development.

With that being said... The exporter goes in and grabs VERY DETAILED EXPORT METADATA so it may have the appearance that its a Unity Game Converter. But its not.

The very first version of the toolkit just basically exported very basic static scene content. All of the real functionality is provided by the Babylon Toolkit Scene Manager.

The toolkit is really just a fancy exporter that prepares enhanced metadata  the Scene Manager uses to give that Unity-Like scene component life cycle and all the Unity-Like Game mechanics, Shader Materials, Etc...

So again, if running C# Unity Scene content in the native C# Game viewer is your goal. Then the Babylon Toolkit is NOT the tool you want.

If you want to make games from scratch (using art assets from unity) with typescript and babylon.js and use the Unity Game Editor as your Babylon Game Editor to ease the experience of creating Babylon.js games... Then the Toolkit it for you :) Hook up with me and do a gotomeeting and we see if we can get you going

Note: I just downloaded and tried the latest 2018.1.6 and it works fine.

Hope that clears things up a bit :)



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