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Learning Phaser 3 or 2?


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Hi there

I'm a pretty skilled web developer and I would like to learn Phaser (Read I do Javascript very well). 

However, I’m having trouble finding good documentation for Phaser 3. I did the basic one with the stars and the sprite at the phaser.io website. Do any of you have any recommendations for other sources? Or should I just start with Phaser 2? Or can I also use the Phaser 2 documentation for Phaser 3?

 Hopefully you have some advise :)

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I think both are good options. Phaser 2 is a production-ready, mature frameworks that's been used professionally in all platforms.

Phaser 3 on the other hand is just getting started, and as @blade2xs pointed out, the doc and examples are a bit behind. However, Phaser 3 is definitely mature enough to be used in production, you'll just have to do more work when it comes to finding answers.

Phaser 3 offers significant performance improvements over Phaser 2. Also lots of new features which might be relevant to your game, more clean code and the option to code in ES6 all along the way.

If you need to produce a game in a short period of time I'd suggest Phaser 2, if you want to learn and build skills I'd suggest Phaser 3 as the documentation and whatnot will catch up soon enough.

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Thanks for your help. I don't have a deadline - for the moment i'm just learning a new skill. I think I will try to redo some of the examples on the phaser website in phaser 3.

li305263: thanks for the link. It seems to be a good place to look up things

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