Thunderfist Posted May 8, 2018 Share Posted May 8, 2018 I've gotten most of my game done, but I still have to make at least something that the player can do other that walk around the map and bump into things. I decided to add coins to collect, but I just have one problem: I've never added collectibles to a game before. Please help. I need to get this done in before next Friday. EDIT: I tried coding, but a coin wouldn't spawn anywhere other than the upper left corner. I tried setting its draw setting to this.randomRange, so it would spawn randomly on the map. Here's the code: //establish variables var canvasBg = document.getElementById("canvasBg"), ctxBg = canvasBg.getContext("2d"), canvasEntities = document.getElementById("canvasEntities"), ctxEntities = canvasEntities.getContext("2d"), canvasWidth = canvasBg.width, canvasHeight = canvasBg.height, player1 = new Player(), isPlaying = false, cash = new collectibles(), obstacles = [], //animation requestAnimFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }, imgSprite = new Image(); imgPlayer = new Image(); imgMoney = new Image(); imgSprite.src = "img/testroomImage.png"; imgSprite.addEventListener("load", init, false); imgPlayer.src = "img/temp.png"; imgPlayer.addEventListener("load", init, false); imgMoney.src = "img/coin.png"; imgMoney.addEventListener("load", init, false); function init() { document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {checkKey(e, true);}, false); document.addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {checkKey(e, false);}, false); defineObstacles(); begin(); } function begin() { ctxBg.drawImage(imgSprite, 0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight, 0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); isPlaying = true; requestAnimFrame(loop); } function update() { clearCtx(ctxEntities); player1.update(); cash.update(); } function draw() { player1.draw(); cash.draw(); } function loop() { if (isPlaying) { update(); draw(); requestAnimFrame(loop); } } function clearCtx(ctx) { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); } function randomRange(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1 - min)) + min; } function Player() { this.srcX = 48; this.srcY = 1; this.width = 31; //how wide the sprite is in pixels this.height = 35; //how tall the sprite is in pixels this.drawX = 125; this.drawY = 50; this.moveX = 31; this.moveY = 35; this.centerX = this.drawX + (this.width / 2); this.centerY = this.drawY + (this.height / 2); this.speed = .60; this.isUpKey = false; this.isRightKey = false; this.isDownKey = false; this.isLeftKey = false; } Player.prototype.update = function () { this.centerX = this.drawX + (this.width / 2); this.centerY = this.drawY + (this.height / 2); this.checkDirection(); }; Player.prototype.draw = function () { ctxEntities.drawImage(imgPlayer, this.srcX, this.srcY, this.width, this.height, this.drawX, this.drawY, this.width, this.height); }; Player.prototype.checkDirection = function () { var newDrawX = this.drawX, newDrawY = this.drawY,//draw specific specific points on x and y coordinates //newMoveX = this.moveX, //newMoveY = this.moveY; obstacleCollision = false; if (this.isUpKey) { newDrawY -= this.speed; //newMoveY -= this.speed; //this.moveY -= 35; this.srcX = 48; //Facing North this.srcY = 72; } else if (this.isDownKey) { newDrawY += this.speed; //newMoveY += this.speed; //this.moveY += 35; this.srcX = 48; //Facing South this.srcY = 1; } else if (this.isRightKey) { newDrawX += this.speed; //newMoveX += this.speed; //this.moveX += 31; this.srcX = 48; //Facing East this.srcY = 36; } else if (this.isLeftKey) { newDrawX -= this.speed; //newMoveX -= this.speed; //this.moveX -= 31; this.srcX = 48; //Facing West this.srcY = 108; } obstacleCollision = this.checkObstacleCollide(newDrawX, newDrawY); if (!obstacleCollision) { this.drawX = newDrawX; this.drawY = newDrawY; } }; Player.prototype.checkObstacleCollide = function (newDrawX, newDrawY) { var obstacleCounter = 0, newCenterX = newDrawX + (this.width / 2), newCenterY = newDrawY + (this.height / 2); for (var i = 0; i < obstacles.length; i++) { if (obstacles[i].leftX < newCenterX && newCenterX < obstacles[i].rightX && obstacles[i].topY -20 < newCenterY && newCenterY < obstacles[i].bottomY - 20) { obstacleCounter = 0; } else { obstacleCounter++; } } if (obstacleCounter === obstacles.length) { return false; } else { return true; } }; function Obstacle(x, y, w, h) { this.drawX = x; this.drawY = y; this.width = w; this.height = h; this.leftX = this.drawX; this.rightX = this.drawX + this.width; this.topY = this.drawY; this.bottomY = this.drawY + this.height; } function defineObstacles() { var tEdgeWidth = 512, tEdgeHeight = 10; var bEdgeWidth = 512, bEdgeHeight = 10; var rEdgeWidth = 1, rEdgeHeight = 512; var lEdgeWidth = 1, lEdgeHeight = 512; var bigFenceLeftSideWidth = 20, bigFenceLeftSideHeight = 304; var bigFenceRightSideWidth = 22, bigFenceRightSideHeight = 304; var bigFenceUpperLeftWidth = 160, bigFenceUpperLeftHeight = 30, bigFenceUpperRightWidth = 140, bigFenceUpperRightHeight = 30; var bigFenceLowerLeftWidth = 100, bigFenceLowerLeftHeight = 20, bigFenceLowerRightWidth = 195, bigFenceLowerRightHeight = 20; var smallFenceSideWidth = 4, smallFenceSideHeight = 80; var rockWidth = 34, rockHeight = 32; var smallInclineWidth = 89, smallInclineHeight = 42; var largeInclineRWidth = 153, largeInclineRHeight = 55; var largeInclineLWidth = 176, largeInclineLHeight = 58; var leftHoleWidth = 64, leftHoleHeight = 48; var rightHoleLongWidth = 113, rightHoleLongHeight = 48; var rightHoleTallWidth = 43, rightHoleTallHeight = 99; obstacles = [new Obstacle(10, 25, tEdgeWidth, tEdgeHeight), new Obstacle(10, 512, bEdgeWidth, bEdgeHeight), new Obstacle(499, 1, rEdgeWidth, rEdgeHeight), new Obstacle(14, 1, lEdgeWidth, lEdgeHeight), new Obstacle(2, 229, bigFenceLeftSideWidth, bigFenceLeftSideHeight), new Obstacle(320, 229, bigFenceRightSideWidth, bigFenceRightSideHeight), new Obstacle(10, 212, bigFenceUpperLeftWidth, bigFenceUpperLeftHeight), new Obstacle(200, 212, bigFenceUpperRightWidth, bigFenceUpperRightHeight), new Obstacle(15, 499, bigFenceLowerLeftWidth, bigFenceLowerLeftHeight), new Obstacle(144, 499, bigFenceLowerRightWidth, bigFenceLowerRightHeight), new Obstacle(90, 403, rockWidth, rockHeight), new Obstacle(184, 291, smallInclineWidth, smallInclineHeight), new Obstacle(15, 165, leftHoleWidth, leftHoleHeight), new Obstacle(258, 165, rightHoleLongWidth, rightHoleLongHeight), new Obstacle(335, 162, rightHoleTallWidth, rightHoleTallHeight), new Obstacle(97, 170, rockWidth, rockHeight), new Obstacle(73, 195, rockWidth, rockHeight), new Obstacle(0, 115, largeInclineLWidth, largeInclineLHeight), new Obstacle(192, 115, largeInclineRWidth, largeInclineRHeight), new Obstacle(120, 175, rockWidth, rockHeight), new Obstacle(215, 170, rockWidth, rockHeight), new Obstacle(233, 187, rockWidth, rockHeight), ]; } function checkKey(e, value) { var keyID = e.keyCode || e.which; if (keyID === 38) { //up arrow player1.isUpKey = value; e.preventDefault(); } if (keyID === 39) { //right arrow player1.isRightKey = value; e.preventDefault(); } if (keyID === 40) { //down arrow player1.isDownKey = value; e.preventDefault(); } if (keyID === 37) { //left arrow player1.isLeftKey = value; e.preventDefault(); } if (keyID === 32) { //spacebar player1.isSpacebar = value; e.preventDefault(); } }; function collectibles () { this.srcX = 0; this.srcY = 0; this.width = 20; //how wide the sprite is in pixels this.height = 20; //how tall the sprite is in pixels this.drawX = randomRange; this.drawY = randomRange; this.centerX = this.drawX + (this.width / 2); this.centerY = this.drawY + (this.height / 2); } collectibles.prototype.update = function () { this.centerX = this.drawX + (this.width / 2); this.centerY = this.drawY + (this.height / 2); }; collectibles.prototype.draw = function () { ctxEntities.drawImage(imgMoney, this.srcX, this.srcY, this.width, this.height, this.drawX, this.drawY, this.width, this.height); }; function outOfBounds(a, x, y) { var newBottomY = y + a.height, newTopY = y, newRightX = x + a.width, newLeftX = x, edgeTop = 512, edgeBottom = 0, edgeRight = 512, edgeLeft = 0; return newBottomY > edgeBottom || newTopY < edgeTop || newRightX > edgeRight || newLeftX < edgeLeft; } What's wrong with it? just editing it in the slightest made the coin disappear when I refreshed the page. 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