Simonnice Posted May 1, 2018 Share Posted May 1, 2018 Hey there! This is my first post on this forum, and I've decided to make a new topic since there was not really any good answer I could find while browsing the topic here on the site! My problem is as such: I have created an infinite runner with randomly generated platforms made in a prefab that get killed when they leave the screen and then reused in a platformPool. They get instansiated with a preset speed at which the level moves and moves from right to left accordingly. I ofcourse also have a runner player sprite that moves equally as fast in the opposite direction. The problem occurs when I try to implement some kind of incremental increase of the speed at which all the elements in the level moves. I would like to have a timer that counts upwards on the game screen, and have the game react to certain time points on the timer, at which it increases the speed of the level, making the game more and more difficult. I have gotten it to work to some extent by just updating the levelSpeed variable in a function that keeps track of a counter and then applying this new levelspeed to the character in the update method. This works, but the problem occurs when a platform is already generated on the screen, at which it already has gotten the prior value of the levelSpeed variable set. This results in the character moving forward on the x axis of the game as he has a higher x velocity than the current platforms -x velocity. How do I make sure that an already generated platform also receives the new level-speed? All the newly created platforms ofcourse receive the speed increase as they work by the same levelSpeed-variable when they first get created. Here is the code. I wasn't sure if you guys would like to look at the code in its entirety so I pasted it here, even though a lot of the code is irrelevant to the current problem. Thanks in advance! Game code: var KnightRunner = KnightRunner || {} KnightRunner.GameState = { init: function () { // Pool of floors this.floorPool = // Pool of platforms this.platformPool = // pool of coins this.coinsPool = this.coinsPool.enableBody = true // pool of enemies this.enemyPool = this.enemyPool.enableBody = true // gravity = 1200 // max jump distance this.maxJumpDistance = 120 // Move player with keyboard this.cursors = // coins this.myCoins = 0 // Speed level this.levelSpeed = 250 = 1 }, create: function () { // Moving background this.background = this.add.tileSprite(0, 0,,, 'background') this.background.tileScale.y = 1 this.background.autoScroll(-this.levelSpeed / 6, 0) // Create the player this.knight = this.add.sprite(100, 50, 'knight') this.knight.anchor.setTo(0.5, 1) // Creating hitboxes for the knight animations, attack this.hitboxes = this.hitboxes.enableBody = true this.knight.addChild(this.hitboxes) this.hitbox1 = this.hitboxes.create(0, 0, null) this.hitbox1.body.setSize(20, 60, 10, -50) = 'attack' this.hitbox1.body.allowGravity = false this.animAttack = this.knight.animations.add('attacking', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('attack', 0, 13, '.png', 4), 60, false, false) this.knight.animations.add('running', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('run', 0, 7, '.png', 4), 15, true, false) this.knight.animations.add('jumping', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('jump', 0, 3, '.png', 4), 15, false, false) this.knight.animations.add('blocking', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('block', 0, 3, '.png', 4), 15, false, false) // Change player bounding box this.knight.body.setSize(45, 50, -10, 8)'running') // hard-code first platform this.currentPlatform = new KnightRunner.Platform(, this.floorPool, 20, 0, 200, -this.levelSpeed, this.coinsPool, this.enemyPool) this.platformPool.add(this.currentPlatform) // Coin sound this.coinSound ='coinSound') this.loadLevel() this.disableAllHitboxes() // Show number of coins let style = {font: '30px Arial', fill: '#fff'} this.coinsCountLabel = this.add.text(10, 20, '0', style) // Create TImer this.timerLabel = this.add.text(10, 60, '0', style) this.timer = this.time.create(false) this.timer.loop(10000, this.updateCounter, this) this.timer.start() if ( < 20) { this.levelSpeed += 5 this.timerLabel.text = } }, update: function () { if (this.knight.alive) { // Iterating through alive platforms to add collision this.platformPool.forEachAlive(function (platform, index) {, platform, this.onGround, null, this) // Check if a platform needs to be killed if (platform.length && platform.children[platform.length - 1].right < 0) { platform.kill() } }, this) if (this.knight.body.touching.down) { this.knight.body.velocity.x = this.levelSpeed this.hitbox1.body.velocity.x = this.knight.body.velocity.x - this.levelSpeed } else { this.knight.body.velocity.x = 0 this.hitbox1.body.velocity.x = this.knight.body.velocity.x } console.log(this.levelSpeed) console.log(, this.enemyPool, this.hitEnemy, null, this), this.coinsPool, this.collectCoin, null, this) //, this.enemyPool, this.jumpEnemy, null, this) // kill coins that leave the screen this.coinsPool.forEachAlive(function (coin) { if (coin.right <= 0) { coin.kill() } }, this) // kill enemies that leave the screen this.enemyPool.forEachAlive(function (enemy) { if (enemy.right <= 0) { enemy.kill() } }, this) if (this.knight.body.touching.down) { this.knight.body.velocity.x = this.levelSpeed this.hitbox1.body.velocity.x = this.knight.body.velocity.x - this.levelSpeed } else { this.knight.body.velocity.x = 0 this.hitbox1.body.velocity.x = this.knight.body.velocity.x } if (this.cursors.left.isDown) {'blocking') } if (this.cursors.right.downDuration(140)) {'attacking') this.enableHitBox() * 0.3, this.disableAllHitboxes, this) } if (this.cursors.up.isDown || { this.knightJump() } else if (this.cursors.up.isUp || { this.isJumping = false } if (this.currentPlatform.length && this.currentPlatform.children[this.currentPlatform.length - 1].right < { this.createPlatform() } // Check if player needs to die if ( >= || this.knight.left <= 0) { this.gameOver() } } }, updateCounter: function () { this.levelSpeed += 20 }, enableHitBox: function () { for (let i = 0; i < this.hitboxes.children.length; i++) { if (this.hitboxes.children[i].name === 'attack') { this.hitboxes.children[i].reset(0, 0) } } }, increaseLevelSpeed: function () { this.levelSpeed += 5 }, disableAllHitboxes: function () { this.hitboxes.forEachExists(function (hitbox) { hitbox.enableBody = false hitbox.kill() }) }, knightJump: function () { if (this.knight.body.touching.down) { // Starting point of the jump this.startJumpY = this.knight.y // Keep track of the fact that it is jumping this.isJumping = true this.jumpPeak = false'jumping') this.knight.body.velocity.y = -300 } else if (this.isJumping && !this.jumpPeak) { let distanceJumped = this.startJumpY - this.knight.y if (distanceJumped <= this.maxJumpDistance) {'jumping') this.knight.body.velocity.y = -300 } else { this.jumpPeak = true } } }, onGround () { if (this.knight && this.cursors.right.downDuration(140)) {'attacking') this.enableHitBox() * 0.3, this.disableAllHitboxes, this) } else if (this.knight && this.cursors.left.isDown) {'blocking') } else {'running') } }, // Debugging render: function () { }, makeArray: function (start, end) { let myArray = [] for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { myArray.push(i) } return myArray }, loadLevel: function () { this.createPlatform() }, createPlatform: function () { let nextPlatformData = this.generateRandomPlatform() // Check to see if there is a "dead" platform that can be used if (nextPlatformData) { this.currentPlatform = this.platformPool.getFirstDead() // if Not if (!this.currentPlatform) { this.currentPlatform = new KnightRunner.Platform(, this.floorPool, nextPlatformData.numTiles, + nextPlatformData.separation, nextPlatformData.y, -this.levelSpeed, this.coinsPool, this.enemyPool) // If } else { this.currentPlatform.prepare(nextPlatformData.numTiles, + nextPlatformData.separation, nextPlatformData.y, -this.levelSpeed) } this.platformPool.add(this.currentPlatform) } }, generateRandomPlatform () { let data = {} // Distance from previous platform let minSeparation = 60 let maxSeparation = 250 data.separation = minSeparation + Math.random() * (maxSeparation - minSeparation) // y in regards to previous platform let minDifferenceY = -120 let maxDifferenceY = 120 data.y = this.currentPlatform.children[0].y + minDifferenceY + Math.random() * (maxDifferenceY - minDifferenceY) data.y = Math.max(50, data.y) data.y = Math.min( - 50, data.y) // number of tiles let minTiles = 12 let maxTiles = 20 data.numTiles = minTiles + Math.random() * (maxTiles - minTiles) return data }, collectCoin: function (knight, coin) { coin.kill() this.myCoins++ this.coinsCountLabel.text = this.myCoins }, jumpEnemy: function (knight, enemy) { if (enemy.body.touching.up) { enemy.kill() console.log('Killed by jumping on head') } else { this.gameOver() } }, hitEnemy: function (hitbox, enemy) {'dying') enemy.kill() console.log('Killed by hitEnemy') }, gameOver: function () { this.knight.kill() this.updateHighscore() console.log(this.knight.frame) // Game over overlay this.overlay = this.add.bitmapData(, this.overlay.ctx.fillStyle = '#000' this.overlay.ctx.fillRect(0, 0,, // Sprite for the overlay this.panel = this.add.sprite(0,, this.overlay) this.panel.alpha = 0.55 // overlay raising tween animation let gameOverPanel = this.add.tween(this.panel){y: 0}, 500) // Stop all movement after overlay reeaches top gameOverPanel.onComplete.add(function () { this.background.stopScroll() let style = {font: '30px Arial', fill: '#fff'} this.add.text( / 2, / 2, 'GAME OVER', style).anchor.setTo(0.5) style = {font: '20px Arial', fill: '#fff'} this.add.text( / 2, / 2 + 50, 'High score:' + this.highScore, style).anchor.setTo(0.5) this.add.text( / 2, / 2 + 80, 'Your score:' + this.myCoins, style).anchor.setTo(0.5) style = {font: '10px Arial', fill: '#fff'} this.add.text( / 2, / 2 + 120, 'Tap to play again', style).anchor.setTo(0.5), this) }, this) gameOverPanel.start() }, restart: function () {'Game') }, updateHighscore: function () { this.highScore = +window.localStorage.getItem('highScore') // Do we have a new high score if (this.highScore < this.myCoins) { this.highScore = this.myCoins window.localStorage.setItem('highScore', this.highScore) } } } Platform constructor var KnightRunner = KnightRunner || {} KnightRunner.Platform = function (game, floorPool, numTiles, x, y, speed, coinsPool, enemyPool) {, game) this.tileSize = 32 = game this.enableBody = true this.floorPool = floorPool this.coinsPool = coinsPool this.enemyPool = enemyPool this.speed = speed this.prepare(numTiles, x, y, speed) } KnightRunner.Platform.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Group.prototype) KnightRunner.Platform.prototype.constructor = KnightRunner.Platform KnightRunner.Platform.prototype.prepare = function (numTiles, x, y, speed) { // Make sure alive this.alive = true var i = 0 while (i < numTiles) { let floorTile = this.floorPool.getFirstExists(false) if (!floorTile) { floorTile = new Phaser.Sprite(, x + i * this.tileSize, y, 'floor') } else { floorTile.reset(x + i * this.tileSize, y) } this.add(floorTile) i++ } // Set physics properties this.setAll('body.immovable', true) this.setAll('body.allowGravity', false) this.setAll('body.velocity.x', speed) this.addCoins(speed) this.addEnemy(speed) } KnightRunner.Platform.prototype.kill = function () { this.alive = false this.callAll('kill') let sprites = [] this.forEach(function (tile) { sprites.push(tile) }, this) sprites.forEach(function (tile) { this.floorPool.add(tile) }, this) } KnightRunner.Platform.prototype.addCoins = function (speed) { let coinsY = 90 + Math.random() * 110 let hasCoin this.forEach(function (tile) { // 40% chance hasCoin = Math.random() <= 0.01 if (hasCoin) { let coin = this.coinsPool.getFirstExists(false) if (!coin) { coin = new Phaser.Sprite(, tile.x, tile.y - coinsY, 'coin') this.coinsPool.add(coin) } else { coin.reset(tile.x, tile.y - coinsY) } coin.body.velocity.x = speed coin.body.allowGravity = false } }, this) } KnightRunner.Platform.prototype.addEnemy = function (speed) { let hasEnemy this.forEach(function (tile) { // 10 % chance hasEnemy = Math.random() <= 0.03 if (hasEnemy) { let enemy = this.enemyPool.getFirstExists(false) if (!enemy) { enemy = new Phaser.Sprite(, tile.x, tile.y - 30, 'skeletonWarrior', 'attack0001.png') enemy.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5) enemy.scale.x *= -1 enemy.animations.add('attacking', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('attack', 1, 19, '.png', 4), 15, true, false) enemy.animations.add('dying', Phaser.Animation.generateFrameNames('die', 1, 20, '.png', 4), 30, false, false)'attacking') this.enemyPool.add(enemy) } else { enemy.reset(tile.x, tile.y - 30)'attacking') } enemy.body.velocity.x = speed enemy.body.allowGravity = false } }, this) } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simonnice Posted May 2, 2018 Author Share Posted May 2, 2018 Nevermind, solved it :). You can close this thread! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mickety Posted May 4, 2018 Share Posted May 4, 2018 It would be nice to know how you did it if it's not over 9000 lines of code. Anyways it is great that you've figured it out youself - very good for the learning experience. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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